Chapter 4

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When I woke up I felt sore as hell,all three of us slept on the floor with not that much cushion between us and the floor.I saw light peeking through the fort that Jade and I had built last night and pulled the covers over my head.I had no makeup on,my hair was a mess,and I was not an early morning person at all.When I went to grab my phone I touched someone's hand.Jake.But I just continued to search for my phone and not bother to pull the covers off my head then I felt my phone.I had a text from a unknown number.

Hey cutie 💓 -J

Who's this?? -A

James. 😏 -J

You disgust me. -A

Aww don't say that babe. -J

How'd you even get my number? -A

I have my ways babe. -J

I have my ways of blocking people too buh bye. -A

Then the covers were lifted off my head allowing sun to peer through to my eyes.Jake said,"Who were you texting this early?"

I mumbled,"James."

He gave me an annoyed stare and just left me alone.I was still in my pajamas and was hella hungry so I went downstairs to Jakes kitchen to find a meal nicely prepared already.Better than my cereal and milk plan.Jade came down and around the corner and Jake was chasing her.He panted and looked at me.

"So you let a little lady outrun you?", I said amused.

"You want to chase her?She's as fast as a rocket."

I nodded and headed towards Jade scooping her into my arms and carried her to Jake."Not as hard as you described it wimp.", He looked at me with a scowl.

As soon as Jade left I confronted Jake,"Yo man,what the hell's up with you?Your acting like you hate me"

He murmured,"I'm not acting."

Okay than.If he seemingly hated me than why shall I stay?Exactly.So I left.I really didn't care about our weekend together anymore I mean what the hell was that?He was my best friend and he just said he hated me.Whatever.I began to walk through the rich ass neighborhood and found a park,so I stopped there.Jake was pissed at me so why not text James?

Hey James -A

Never thought I see the day that you'd text me -J

We'll I'm doing it right now so. -A

Feisty.I like it. -J

Just when you were beginning to be decently okay you ruin it that fast. -A

How about I take you to lunch? -J

Sure,I have no plans and it beats being bored on a weekend. -A

Want me to pick you up? -J

I was thinking we could have lunch in the park. -A

I'll be there soon babe -J

It really pissed me off when he called me babe but whatever he seemed like a decent guy at the moment.Even if I was still in Jakes neighborhood the park was too beautiful to pass up,and soon enough James was here.

"So I'm guessing we'll consider this a date.",James said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up James."I playfully hit him and rolled my eyes at his comment.He wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be.We continued to talk as the sun began to set.We were sitting on the grass for at least a few hours.But I guess I just got comfortable with James and so I set my head on his shoulder.

"We never did go to lunch.",James said

"Yeah,I know."

"So why did you even want to have lunch or hang out with me?I was positive you hated me."

I murmured,"I didn't hate you,Jake did and he was my best friend so if he hated you I acted like I hated you too."

"So what'd you do?Fight with Jake and that's why you'll talk to me?"

"Yeah.But it's not like what it seems.I don't want you to think I'm using you because-"

He cut me off,he kissed me.But the thing about it was I actually didn't want him to stop kissing me.So yes I'll admit I kissed him back.I mean it just felt right,like all my other worries about him were gone.But then I heard a cough from a familiar voice.Both James and I looked back to find Jake.Jake threw me a scowl and said,"What the fuck is wrong with you Amber?"

"You.Stop trying to control me,I can hang out with James if I want to.I can hang out with anyone and not need your permission.You said you hated me so what's the big deal?"

I felt Jame's arms wrap around my waist and he whispered in my ear,"I can leave if you want me to."

Jake's face lit with anger and he said,"Can't he just leave?I need to talk to you alone."

I waved bye to Jame's and then he left."What do you want Jake?"

"I want him to get away from you."

"You hate me so why should I care what you want?"

"I'm just trying to protect you from him.He's not good news."

"I don't need you to protect me.God you've been doing that since 4 th grade but I don't need you to protect me."

I just couldn't help it anymore.I couldn't fight back the tears.

"Amber I'm sorry.I didn't mean it."

"Then why'd you say it."

"Because Amber,you were texting James and I didn't want you to get hurt by him.I was just pissed off that you were talking to him and now kissing him."

"Why do you care if I talk to him?James is actually a pretty decent guy when you get to know him."

"Can we just go back to my place?Please.Lets just continue this weekend and forget about this."


We walked back to his house and I was engulfed into the warmth that his house provided.My phone buzzed.

Hey how'd it go?You okay? -J
Yeah I'm fine James -A
Good to hear 💗 -J
Do you hate Jake? -A
Why do you ask? -J
Just wondering -A
I don't know Amber. -J
Okay.What'd that kiss at the park mean to you? -A
A hell of a lot.What about you? -J
Something.Just need to process some things. -A
Okay goodnight Amber 💖 -J
Goodnight James -A

"We going to built a fort again or are you going to sit down here all night?"

"Erm isn't Jade asleep?"

"Nah that kid has a lot of energy."

"Wait don't we still have that fort from last night built already?"

"Yes Amber but that requires you to sleep in the fort too,Jade won't sleep in it without you."

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