Chapter 5

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Authors note very quickly,I know I haven't written for most of my stories in awhile and I'm working on it so for awhile I'll be updating all of my incomplete stories :) Hope you enjoy.By the way I accidentally published this then deleted it because it wasn't finished but yeah sorry if you got a false notification.

"Let's go then."

We walked up to his room and Jade was nowhere to be found.Instantly panic set in my blood,where the hell was she.As I observed the room I saw that window was wide open and although it was quite a far jump down to the ground but it was manageable.I quickly approached the window to find a ladder sitting on the side of the house.That's when it set in she wasn't here and I know she wouldn't run away someone had to do this to her.I ran out of that room as fast as I could and ran to the streets,it was dark but that's when I heard a piercing screen.I knew that was Jade's scream there was no doubt in my mind that I had to help her.I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called 911 quickly explaining where I was headed so they could help then I called James and asked him to come.I knew Jake hated him but at this point James was the only one who could help him.I just hoped they didn't end up fighting.I ran for my God damn life because Jade was so young and so innocent and I was going to be damned if that person was going to ruin that.I heard another scream and that's when I couldn't handle it.


I got closer and I heard Jades little voice,"Help me.Please."

I found her in the forest,this forest had been behind some houses about 5 blocks away from Jake's house.As I approached her I saw her little body lying there hopeless.Her beautiful hair was stained with blood,her chest was bloody but you could see an entry from the weapon used.The cut was deep and I saw her face slowly loosing color,I swear I couldn't lose her.I picked her up gently and ran to the street where the abundance had just pulled in.They took her little body from me and hooked her up to machines,the machines engulfed her and made her look so small.

A calm almost soothing voice spoke behind me,"Do you know if she's going to be okay?"

"I don't know James.But right now I know that Jake needs help,I know you aren't friends and all but I can't face him right now.Please just go talk to him."

James let out a sigh and reluctantly went over the Jake,God I hope they got along at least for now.I saw Jake give me a nasty glance then he left.How could he seriously just leave.I don't know but I had every intention on finding out.

My voice was at this point not a scream but almost like a yell,"You realize your a dick for leaving her!She could be dying and your over here hating the world."

He didn't hold back,"Your an absolute asshole because you go and call James about MY sister and you don't even let me know?Are you serious?You'll let him know anything but you won't bother to let me know.Fuck you.I don't know why I was ever your friend because obviously that's the biggest regret in my life."

Now that I think about it that was shallow of me.I left the scene shortly after but before I did I spoke,"I hope she's alright."

I walked home completely pissed off at myself.It was Saturday night and this weekend was too eventful,not to mention that I'm almost positive that I lost my best friend because I was shallow.I stormed into my house ignoring everyone and everything just to slam my bedroom door and cry.I really messed up this time and I didn't know if I could fix it.After crying for what seemed like days my head was throbbing in pain so I decided to attempt to sleep,but there was no success.The images of Jade covered in her blood flooded my mind allowing no sleep to engulf me.I decided to give up on trying to sleep at this point when I heard my phone buzzing,I looked at the caller id and it was Jake.I declined the call then went on tumblr to try to put my mind at ease.I know I should have picked up but I couldn't face him,not now.I saw that I had a new voicemail from Jake but again I ignored it.I scrolled through my contacts to find Jame's contact name staring at me then I finally gave in and called him.

It rung then rung and rung again until he answered,"Hey Amber."

"Hey.Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course."

"Are you still the crime scene?"

"Yeah.The ambulance just left awhile ago and I'm about to leave,why what's up?"

"I can't sleep.Like I keep seeing Jade's body covered in blood every time I close my eyes,I screwed up Jake and I's friendship I just I don't know."

"Want to meet at the park?It will help you clear your mind."

"It's like 2 am though shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I can stay up.It doesn't matter."

"Okay I'll meet you there in like 10 minutes."

"Okay bye."



"Thanks for everything."

"Your welcome Amber."

I never changed out of my clothes so I just got up and headed out the door.I began to walk to the park,it was dark outside obviously because it was 2 am but due to the drama earlier I kept looking around to see if anyone was being odd.Lucky I didn't run into anyone who looked odd.I saw James standing into the park next to a light pole and I got those damn butterflies again.I walked behind him trying to be as quite as possible then I ran behind him and jumped on his back.

"Surprise James."

He wasn't expecting that so we both ending up falling on the ground and we both laughed together.

Still laughing I said,"Well that ended well."

He simply smiled and spoke,"Very well.By the way you have a um spider on your leg."

In a split second I jumped up and about ran until I saw him laughing his ass off."I swear James I hate you."

He was still laughing his ass off,"I can't believe you fell for that."

Since he was laughing I decided to tease him,"Maybe I should just leave then"

James was still sitting down and he grabbed me by my legs so I fell."You little bastard."

At this point I was sitting next to James when he decided that I needed to be closer.He sat me on his lap and rubbed the small of my back.

I was shuddering because he just gosh he gave me so many butterflies,"I really want to kiss you."

"God your adorable."

Then we closed the space in between us and kissed for a second time this week.I loved him.Or did I truly love him?

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