Chapter 10

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*Ambers pov*
Chapter 10-
A uneventful month had passed by, but after I heard Jake himself tell Jade that he loved me I hung out at his house less and less. I didn't know what to do. I had mixed emotions about the way I felt after that kiss, I loved him but I was so caught off guard by what he said. After a month we both saw less and less of each other, which was disappointing, but it was reality. Jade was up and walking by herself now, after months of rehab she was finally back to her old self. I really missed her because now I never really saw her, thanks to me being stubborn and refusing to see Jake.

I put some baby pink lipstick on and headed out the door, wearing a white t shirt and some skinny dark washed jeans, chances were I was going to be late to school but over time I have less and less amount of fucks so it didn't matter. I put my hair in a messy bun before getting out of my car and head towards to school building. When I arrived at my locker and opened it a little note fell out, from Jake of course, the note said "Meet me at the back of the school, our special spot." I didn't want to go but I decided to see if he was there because I didn't want to be a jerk, sure enough he was there.

"Hey." Just seeing him made my voice weak, so much emotion wrapped up in one guy.

"We need to talk." He was pacing around the hall like something was wrong, which automatically concerned me.

"What's up?"

"Amber- the kiss." He said not even looking at me. Which pissed me off.

"Like you said it was just a fuck up, it was over a month ago why do you still care?" So much for not being a jerk.

"It meant something, but you keep avoiding me like I'm a plague. You won't even come to see Jade, she misses you. I miss you."

"It was a fuck up, you even said it, you didn't want to ruin our friendship because that kiss meant nothing to you, and you thought I wouldn't be able to handle the truth."

"I love you. You know how hard it's been when you want to be just friends after knowing you for so long? You know why I said that kiss was a fuck up? Because it made me realize I couldn't get over you no matter what. " he said with a voice full sod emotion, he was speaking from his heart.

"Then why did you never do anything if you loved me?" I was full on crying because here we were in the back of the school having this conversation, it was morning and I didn't have my head on straight yet because it was still too early to think.

"Because I was waiting for Jade to get better, so you could be happy. I know you love her like a sister and I wanted Jade to be there so you wouldn't worry about her anymore. When I said I loved you I meant it, a month from now hell even a year from now I'll still love you Amber." His arms were extended out ready to give me a hug.

"I love you, I don't want to fight with you." I continued sobbing, After so many years he just now wanted to tell me this, I was overjoyed but sad. Sad nothing happened sooner but happy that Jade was okay and that I was by Jake.

Jake sighed, and not a good sigh, "But we can't be together. We just can't."

My pulse went dead and I thought this was a bad dream, "Why? What's wrong?"

He got up and his voice cracked, "We just can't be."

I leaned against the wall for support trying to process what just happened, and now here I am sitting on the school floor confused, pissed, and hurt. Maybe he could have been the one but no that just came to a crashing reality. I wasn't going to cry but I was still undoubtably hurt, the guy I loved walked away and said we couldn't be together.

I walked home not caring about anything, realizing the guy I fought for never really wanted me. Instead of mopping about how much I loved him to you,I'll just be like any other girl in the generation and say fuck you to the guy and hide our emotions.

Congratulations Jake you completely broke my heart.

My mom had been seeing this new guy, between him & her 2 jobs she had no time for me so if gotten used to be alone. I opened the door to my house and of course it was empty, not a site that my mom had been here. She talked about moving a lot recently, start a new life with her boyfriend and leave this place.

Her boyfriend was a doctor so if he were to marry my mom we'd have to move because he was being relocated to Iowa. She found love while I was here in my room confused as hell. Did I just lose my friend? Did I just make things too awkward? I told him I freaking loved him, such a fuck up. At this point right now would I move to Iowa?

Two words. Hell yes.

Sure I'd miss Jade and some other people but I hated this place, everywhere I loved were memories of things I wanted to forget. My phone rang and it was Jake's house, I let it ring a bit before I decided to pick it up.

"Hello" I said into the phone hoping it wasn't Jake.

"Amber come over please." Her voice sounded so raw something had to be wrong, this wasn't good news. I calmed her down within 5 minutes and promised to be there in a few minutes, she still hadn't told me what was wrong.

I stepped up to the door regretting this already, maybe I'd see him but I was here for Jade. I slowly reached for the door bell and waited until a shirtless someone opened the door. Jake. He was painting and then spoke, "This isn't a good time."

"I'm not here to see you, I'm here for you're sister." He looked taken back then when he didn't reply I let myself in. I was walking up the stairs when I saw a blond sitting painting as well on his couch. Wow I think he's reached a new low, but I dismissed it and went to Jade's room.

I heard, " me my chest hurts and I can't breathe. Help me." She was gasping and it was Jade. I got my phone and called 911 immediately but 1 second seemed like 10 minutes. I grabbed her and carried her quickly downstairs looking for Jake, "Jake" I screamed. No response. "Your sisters in trouble." I screamed once more. No response but I heard running and sure enough it was him.

"She can't breathe, I called 911 already, and she said her chest felt like it was burning. Help her." I said way to fast to probably understand.

No response from him, not a word, not even an emotion, he just stood there dumbfounded. "It's all your fault." He said to me which made my blood boil.

Pure raw emotion was what this speech was about to be. I stopped in my tracks, "This is all my fault? Wow I never thought you'd stoop that low ever. It's my fault when you were making out with some bimbo and you couldn't even watch out for your own sister? Any emotion I had towards you is dead, the only emotion I feel towards you is hatred. Have fun with this, I love Jade but I'm not going to be around you ever again. Thanks god I'm moving to Iowa."

He grabbed my arm and said, "You're moving? And you didn't tell me earlier?"

I gritted my teeth, "It was and is none of your damn business so do me a favor and Fuck off."

And in that moment I decided we were going to move, after all my mother was only waiting for my permission then we'd be gone.

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