Chapter 2

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Ambers p.o.v
Today I didn't even wait for Jake,I darted out the English room and ran into someone,this time I didn't drop my books but I did for a fact still run into James.He said,"Well,well nice to run into you again."

"Um..I guess."

"You look beautiful,but I never got the beauties name."


"Pretty name for a pretty face."


Just then Jake came up behind me and said,"Are you okay Amber?"

James with his cocky little ass responded for me,"Of course she's okay Jake,she's with me."

Jake said,"You just can't shut up for 5 minutes can you?I was asking Amber,she's a girl and you're a dick."

James responded with,"Got a pretty large one if you know what I mean."Then he winked at me.

Jake had a seriousness and anger to his voice that was cruel and sharp,"Of course half the school that you've slept with would know."

James smiled at Jakes furry,"I like to keep my options open."

I finally stepped in,"Jake just leave please."

James said,"Aw Jake got rejected."

I was angered by that comment and finally spoke up,"I meant him leave with me.But of course your little head screws everything up from how reality actually is.And as far as I'm concerned you just got rejected."

I walked away and heard footsteps behind me I was going to turn around so I said,"If it's James following me you better move the fuck away."

When I heard no response I finally turned around and saw that it was Jake.He held his hands out and offered a comforting hug.Jake said,"Sorry..for getting into your business with him when I had no right to invade."

I buried my head in his chest and said,"We're going to be late Jake."Just then the bell rung.

Jake responded,"Your worth being late."

My mind was flustered with what to say,"Um..Jake I really-really need to get to class."

Jake said,"We could ditch?"

I need to provide an excuse not to ditch,shit.Then I came up with an excuse.I said,"Or we could spent the entire weekend together and stay at school for now."

Jake smiled and spoke,"Okay Amber,Thank god it's Friday."

"Now can we get to class Jake?"

"Sure Amber."

We walked to our next class together and we stopped at the door.I whispered,"So what's our excuse for being late?"

"I'll figure something out."

"Preferably now Jake."

"Hmmm,just go in her room."

With that we both walked into our next class and sure enough the minute we stepped foot into her class she said,"And why would you two be late?"

I looked at Jake and he began to speak,"We were talking to our English teacher about the book we have to read,I didn't understand it so I asked for help and Amber offered to help me so that'd be why where late."

My teacher apparently bought it or she was just really into Jake and let us off the hook.Most of my female teachers thought the football players were the hottest things on earth so they favored them.Yet again the day went by slow and seemed never ending.But when the bell finally rang in my last bell I was overjoyed.I got to spend the weekend with my best friend and didn't have any homework.Just then guess who I bumped into,James.

James said with a smile,"Well I guess I'm irresistible because you just keep running into me."

I mumbled,"Irresistible my ass."

James said,"You know you think I'm hot babe."

My back was against the wall and he was in front of me.You don't even know how much I wished Jake was here.

"James you might as well back the fuck up and now."

James whispered in my ear,"Why you don't find me irresistible?"

"I swear to god James get the fuck off me."I started to attempt to escape but his grip was too firm.

Then Jake came to the rescue,"Hey man I'd do as she you can put up with me,either way I'm still probably going to beat you the fuck up."

James stared at me but was talking to Jake,"I think she can tell me what she wants,right babe?"

As soon as he even said babe his balls officially met my knee.Within seconds he was on the floor in pain and I said to James,"I told you not to call me babe,but I guess some people don't listen."

I walked away and Jake followed me but I moments later felt a hand grab my arm and put me to a halt.I turned around and Jake said,"What's up with you?Were best friends and your avoiding me."

I murmur,"nothing's wrong with me."

"Hm,you just kicked a guy in the balls for starters,I don't blame you but that's not like you.Then you storm around school avoiding me."

In an attempt I said,"We still on for the weekend hang out?"

"Of course,I'm not going to not show up just because we're arguing."

Then the bell rang again.Shit were late yet again.I walked to my class yet again with him and when he grabbed my hand I got these butterflies in my stomach that I just couldn't explain.When we got to class the teacher wasn't even there so we weren't tardy.I put my books down and then started doing some homework that I really hadn't finished.I had about 50 solid minutes to do my homework which made me in a good mood because then I could hang out with Jake later and not have to worry about homework.Lunch came and passed in a blink of an eye and so did all my other classes so today was actually a decent Friday for once.When the bell rang I rushed through the quickly filling hallways and went to my locker to put all my stuff away.I grabbed my notebook,pencil pouch,and my homework binder and shoved those into my backpack.

A voice suddenly said,"You ready yet?"

I looked up and sure enough it was Jake.I just smiled and teased him,"Your so creepy Jake,how long have you been there!"

We made our way out to his car and as we did guess who we saw but didn't make contact with?James.Seeing him or even hearing his name sent shivers up my spine.Jake got going onto his house which I didn't mind because my house wasn't the best to hang out in,you know a hovering parent.Jake was loaded,but he didn't have that attitude.Just because his family was rich never once made him think he was better than anyone else.He didn't have that stereotypical rich football player attitude,and that's what I loved about him.

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