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They stared intensely at each other for such a long time until Hera-Mera was forced to look away from his fiery gaze that seemed as if they were burning her soul, all of it. He turned away from her, frustrated and angry to his boiling point. His brother's woman had been confined to a dungeon, overnight! He was in big trouble with him. He would not let him go scot-free, wether it had been his fault or not. He turned to look at the culprit. He was fast losing it by seeing the culprit's face, at the very verge of blowing out of proportion. He spoke then.

'Lift your head!' he snapped at her. She quickly complied at the sound of his angry voice.

'What made you throw her into the dungeons?' he asked her.

'She defied me,' was her straight forward answer.

'Defied you as in? Oh I forgot, you are affianced to the Emperor!' he denoted with sufficient sarcasm.

'My Munificent Royalty,' she began at his outburst. But, he crudely interrupted her.

'Where is the head of house and the butler?' he asked.

'They are somewhere around,' she murmured. He turned to one of the maids on standby.

'Go and get the mentioned persons for me and do so very quickly lest I have your head for it!' he bellowed. The maid scurried away to do so without a bow. She returned almost instantly with the requested people, making him realize that they must have been close by, watching it all unfold.

'Here they are My Munificent Royalty!' the maid said to him in a very shaky voice.

'My Munificent Royalty,' both of the newcomers -a make and a female greeted him. It wasn't Peter, which meant that the Emperor had taken his butler and left the man present in his place. He knew the man. He was undoubtedly Peter's assistant.

'Collins?' he said to him. The lanky man stepped forward, closer to him before he spoke.

'Yes My Munificent Royalty,' he answered him.

'Mainkeina?' he asked again. The woman who had come in with him raised her eyes to his face for only but a brief moment before she returned it to the ground again.

'Yes My Munificent Royalty,' she answered in a timid voice that gave away her fear.

'Who was left in charge of the Royal manor?' he asked both of them with stern eyes.

'It was I My Munificent Royalty,' Collins said after a moment of hesitation. 'The Emperor left me in charge of the Manor.'

'You or Princess Hera-Mera?' he asked him with raised brows. Collins hesitated once again. 'Please quickly clarify this Collins.'

'It was I,' he murmured in a panicky voice. He just knew that he was definitely in trouble.

'I asked you a question in a loud voice, why do you reply in such a tiny voice?! Answer me like a man Collins!!' he snapped.

'It was I My Munificent Royalty,' he said in a louder voice.

'What then was the Princess doing in this place when I arrived? Why was she here receiving guests on the Emperor's behalf? Why on earth are you letting her, such an uncloth lowlife lord over you all?! Why? Quickly tell me why?!' Hera-Mera heard the insult, cringing internally at it but being totally unable to do a thing about it.

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