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Cool action scene ahead. Tell me your candid thoughts at the end of the chapters. Enjoy!🤗

This chapter is dedicated to




The moment the order to teach her a lesson left the empress dowager's mouth, the seven empress candidates prepared to do just that. It was no hidden affair that they all hated the lady especially after they had heard that she really was the emperor's wife and not just a royal concubine. It was no surprise that everyone of them wished for her to somehow disappear from the face of the earth. And now, there was an opportunity to actually harm her. If she were to die in this, even the emperor could do nothing about it because the empress dowager had given the command to do to her what they were about to do.

While the seven empress candidates were all basking in the joy of their new given opportunity, Hyeera only gasped at the order to attack the lady. This was not going to go well. Infact, she would not get involved in it all lest she be eaten by the dust.

'Please let's ha-' Matrix began, but the seven ladies advanced on the lady that instant.

'Leave them be!' Hyeera snapped at him, quickly moving away from the lady. It was one of the empress dowager's maid who reached her first and slapped her with all the bitterness of her heart. Hyeera screamed as did Xiera and Vura. The latter two had screamed because they were a bit surprised. But Hyeera, she had screamed because the trouble the empress dowager had been courting was ready to begin. The lady stared as her eyes glistened with anger. The beast that they had been trying hard to suppress since the nap hour had finally seen a casus belci. And, she would not be caught in the crossfire because there was no way to stop what had come to life.

Then, it happened, the thing that all had dreaded since the nap hour. The lady screamed so piercingly, her eyes going to the sky. She sounded like a mad loup-garou. The sound startled everyone back. She lowered her eyes and glared at the maid as a thick lour shrouded her. Then, she unleashed her copious prowess, attacking the maid like a mad woman. She grabbed her by the neck and lifted her, then threw her to the ground like a piece of garbage before the maid had the time to scream in pain. She caught the nearest person and administered the same punishment. The rest of the maids shifted back. She caught the empress dowager next and grabbed her by the shoulder. She made a small sound of anger before her hands began to dig into the woman's shoulder. The woman screamed at the onslaught of pain.

'Do something! Stop her lest I shall die at her hands! The one who succeeds in stopping her -wether she be dead or alive- shall have my favour for the empress contest!' she announced. That was it, the final straw that broke the camel's back. They all came at her. Cora, Vura and Xiera drew their weapons. They began to aid the lady in the fight that had broken out. It was now a fight to the death. Their lady's life has been threatened.

However, they found that their help was not needed. The first reason being that none paid any attention to them, all going for the lady. And the second and key reason was the fact that their lady was capable of taking care of them. And in the state that she was in, she could hardly recognize friend or foe. Seeing Hyeera and Matrix on the sidelines made the realize that they were safer there, away from it all. They moved to the sidelines and watched the ongoings with angst. There was the sound of cracking of bones, snapping of limbs and torturous screams of pain, piercing cries of mercy, pleas to be spared and howls of anguish as the lady fought women after women of the empress dowager's retinue. And in no time, there were several bodies on the ground, some too battered, some too injured, some too in pain, some too scared to stand up again and attack her. She screamed once more at the darkening sky. The rest of which had not attacked her, the seven empress candidates then came at her as reinforcement, all desperate to have her head.

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