👓Rowen Laslow👓-💞valentines day special💞(Wednesday)

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Character is from Wednesday.

TW: Almost smut

This takes place during valentines



You were a new student. you didn't know anyone nor did you want to know anyone. You were a, I don't need friends they disappoint me type of guy. You were the same with love. You also hated it. You can barely speak of the L word.

But behold it was Valentine's Day and the amount of Love letters you received was overwhelming and annoying and the way you decided to get rid of them was awesome in your eyes but terrifying and heartbreaking in others.

You walk out to the court yard with a bag of love letters, we're everyone would hang out, you grabbed some rocks and put them in a circle. Everyone Stared at you curiously. You then grabbed your bag full of love letters poured them out into the circle of rocks. Grabbed a match, lit it, then set a-blaze the cheesy love letters.

Everyone was horrified. You were smiling. Very proud of your work. Enid your only friend. (Because she says your friends) came up to you horrified, and pulls you away from the fire.

"M/n what the heck was that"

"That was me setting a bunch of love letters to flames"

"Why? You could have finally found your sole-mate"

"Bla bla bla. Week words. You know I don't do the L word"

"Yeah but still. I know you have a thing for someone I can smell it"

"Well your nose must be wrong because I L word no one"

"Oh yeah then what's that in your pocket?"
She pointed to a love letter that was sticking half way out your pocket. She then grabbed it.


"Let's see"

The moon shins bright through the trees
Your eyes glistening at me
A dove flys high in the the star lit filed
Only you and me

"Aww that's so cute. Why'd you keep this one?"

You looked away blushing.

"It's the only one with a poem that didn't start with 'Roses are Red vilits are blue' and it smells like R-"

Enid cut you off practically screaming.


you looked down more embarrassing then you were on your 14th birthday. (We don't speak about that)

"Why'd you have to say that so loud people probably heard you.


Rowen was absolutely tariffed he just witnessed you burn all the love letters you received. He was walking back to his dorm when he Heard his name. He decided to go check it out. He walked to were he Heard his name then hid behind a corner. He saw you and Enid. He was kinda jealous.

"You like Rowen!"
Enid said excitedly.

You shooshed her.

"Be quiet someone could here you"

"Yeah they could"
She said moving a bit to the side to see the person hiding behind the corner. She was smiling. You turned around to see what she was staring at. Your eyes widened and you started to panic. Your fight or flight responses kicked in and you ran like hell the opposite direction of your crush. You arrived at your dorm and decided to stay in it for the rest of your life.

-back with Enid and Rowen-

Rowen stepped out of his hiding spot and looked to Enid who was a bit shocked from how fast you sprinted out of there.

"Why can he run so fast"

Rowen just stared in the direction you ran.

An awesome idea popped into Enids head and an evil smile crawled its way onto her face as she turned her head to look at Rowen

"I have the perfect idea"

Rowen looks at her and gulped.


You were in your room face first laying on your bed. Occasionally you would get up to open your door for the countless girls that wanted you to be there valentine/boyfriend

There was a nock on your door assuming it was another girl you replied with

"Go away unless you want a dead not beating heart on the floor"

"Open the door and come with me you heart breaking machine"

Your head purked up at the sound of Enids voice. You got up and walked to the door. As soon as you opend it you were being dragged by Enid to some place.

You stoped moving and she opend a door to a room. Then she shoved you into the small dark room. Paying no mind to your protests.

"Enid you better let me out of this closet right now or I swere!"

You then felt hands rap around your waist and you could feel a worm breath on your neck. You new who it was you could smell them. It was Rowen.

"H-hey Rowen?"

"Hey m/n"

"So umm did Enid put you up to this?"


You felt Rowen kiss your neck.

"I know you like me. I overheard yours and Enids conversation earlier"


You shivered as you felt Rowens hand trail down your stomach to your crotch.

"I- umm"

"You don't need to talk just let me do all the work"

You shivered from his words and warm breath on your neck.

He slid his hand in your pants and under your boxers. You released a small moan.



I'm not to comfortable with that yet. You can imagine what happens though.


After your session with Rowen you to just sat on the floor of the closet your head in his chest.

"You know I'm not really a lovey dovey type person. I kinda avoided love my entire life so this is a little bit new to me"

"Don't worry I'll help you with it"
Rowen smiled.

Then there was a nock on the door and it opened. There stood Enid with a sleepy smile on her face.

"Sorry I kinda forgot you guys were in here and I fell asleep"

"It's ok"
Rowen said.

"I am grateful for this little stunt you pulled ENID but I am STILL going to get back at you"
You said.

Rowen laughed at your antics then picked you up seeing as you could very much not walk. Rowen walked out of the closet with you in his arms. Enid smiled and giggled at you two.

"Enid say a word about this and I will kill you"
You said looking over Rowens shoulder glaring at her.

Rowen laughed and carried you to your dorm were you both stayed and fell asleep together. Now boyfriends.

Omg I love this I'm not quite ready to wright smut yet but this is a starter. Hope you guys liked this.

This is the longest I have written something I'm pretty proud of myself.

1122 words

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