🥤sodapop x male🥤(the outsiders)

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Sorry it took me so long to get this out.

Requested by this lovely person


Sodapop just wanted to go on a date with his loving boyfriend unfortunately. Y/n who has a job that holds him up most of the time, was working, more than working, he was overworking.

I'm talking face in a computer with papers sprawled out all over his desk and even some on the floor. You could say he was a workaholic.

But soda was not pleased with the sight before him. He wasn't gonna lie, he was mad but he know his boyfriends situation and he respects it. But sometimes y/n needs to take a break.

"Y/n haven't you worked enough today?"
Soda asked

"What was that hun?"
Y/n asked

Soda sighed and walked over to y/n turning him around in his seat putting his hands on y/n's shoulder.

"Take a break"
Soda said

"I can't I have I have to get these done by midnight"
You replied

"And a little break is not going to hurt you"
Soda retorted

"Just for an hour then you can get back to work ok?"
Sodapop asked.

"I dont know..."
You said.

"Please, for me?"
Soda asked

"...alright fine"
You gave in getting up. You and Soda walked to the door leaving your apartment and walking to the park to have a nice date.


Sorry this was short I just didn't want to make you wait anymore. I promis I'm going to make longer and better chapters with Sodapop in the future.

Nonetheless, I hope you still enjoyed the story.

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