💚Obie wan kenobi x male💚(star wars)

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I love Obie wan so much you don't even know 😭😭😭

-Dom male y/n

Maybe smut 😏


-no pov-
You and Obie wan used to be friends a long time ago. You trained with him to become a Jedi, well for awhile. You went missing afew months after Quigons death. Obi wan spent another few months trying to look for you until he gave up. Everyone thought you were dead.
Until one day you showed up. But to Obi Wan, you only wanted to see him.

You quietly opened the window to Obi wans room. You went to a shadowy corner and stood there waiting for him to come back.

He soon entered the room.

-Obi wans pov-

I stepped close to the door of my room, but sensed something odd. A feeling I haven't felt in awhile. I opened my door walked in and closed it behind me. That's when I saw...


I was shocked.

"I thought you were dead"

"I'm as dead as master yoda"(get it cause he's like really old and basecaly immortal until he died that one time hehe)

He said we both just laughed.

"It's great to see you again"

He said as he stepped into the light.
My smile dropped, he didn't look the same.

"Y/n what happened to you?"

"I improved... faster than I would have if trained with Jedi"


Did he train with a sith?!?!

" yes... I did..."

"Why y/n. Why did you leave just to become a sith"

"Because there's a rule in the Jedi code that I hate with a burning passion"
He paused.

"We're not allowed to love"

"Love is a distraction y/n you should know that"

"I do know that... but I also know that it's stupid"

-no pov-

You stepped closer to Obi wan and out of the shadows, he backed away, you kept getting closer and closer he kept backing away until his back hit the wall.

You stoped in front of him and grabbed his chin.


You looked down at him.

"I'm not gonna let the Jedi code stop me from being with you"

You leaned in kissing him softly and lovingly he tensed up but relaxed after awhile. You parted for air and looked into his eyes with passion. He look into your eyes.

"I loved you since the first day I saw you"

"I love you too y/n, but we really should-"

You cut him off with another kiss but this time more roughly and lustful. You pulled away.

"I don't care what we should or shouldn't do"
You said sternly.

You picked Obi wan up and he raped his arms around you. You set him on his bed and straddled him. taking off your shirt. You leaned down and kissed his neck softly.


You shoo-shed him

"Just enjoy the moment"
You said as you took off his shirt and started leaving soft kisses from his neck to his chest to his stomach. Then you pulled off his pants slowly and teasingly.

He moaned

(That's it. That's all you get. You can imagine the rest)

-time skip-

-Obi wans pov-

I woke up and remembered what happened last night with y/n. I felt around the bed trying to feel were he was but found nothing. I sat up and looked around. He wasn't there.

I saw a note on the bedside table and picked it up. it read.

-Dear Obi wan Kenobi-

I left for home. All I wanted was to spend one night with you. I know we will never see each other again and if we do, it won't be for a good reason. I'm sorry for leaving you, I just didn't want to feel the pain of loving you. I hoped the feelings would go away but they never did. You are the love of my life. And I do mean it when I say, I would destroy the galaxy for you.

I love you Obi wan kenobi.

-Love, yours truly - y/n

I frowned at the note. I'm really going to miss him.

I went to stand up but felt a spark of pain shoot up my back and I quickly sat back down.

"Damn you y/n"
I said as I laid back down decided to take the day off.


The end I hope you all like it I know I did anyway I've got lots of motivation so request stuff plz and expect more stories soon

Proof read

Words 759

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