🔥John Allerdyce x male🔥(x-men)

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Magneto and the brother hood were going to war with the humans because their was a mutant that could cancel out other mutants powers the humans were using him to make a cure and magneto wanted him dead so the X-men had to step in to stop him.

Y/n was fighting some of the lower ranked mutants till he saw John and Bobby fighting. Bobby obviously won but with y/n and Johns relationship he didn't really like it... and he was really upset to see that Bobby nocked him out.

Jean was going crazy and her powers were killing everyone so everyone was evacuating. Y/n was about to leave until he remembered that John was still laying on the ground unconscious and he didn't want him to die so he swerved threw the debris till he got to John. He picked up his unconscious body bridle style and carried him to safety

-Flash back to when John was going to join magneto-

John was walking threw the forest to find magneto and the others as he heard foot steps behind him. He turned around to see y/n

"John what are you doing we need to go back to the jet"

"I'm not going back..."


"I'm going to Join magneto"

Y/n had no words.

"Y/n you should join him too, we all know that the humans are always going to fear us and try to get rid of us so why wait for them to when we could just stop them now"

"No, that's not what I want to do"

"Fine then don't join. But don't come crawling to me when you realize I was right"

"I- John..."

John turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait please John don't go... you can't leave me please... John... I love you"

He stoped walking and glanced at y/n.

"If you love me then you would Join me"


He started to walk away again.


-end of flashback-

John woke up in a bed his head hurt like hell he looked around and immediately recognized where he was. He was in y/n's room. as if on cue the door opened and y/n walked in. he looked at John to see that he was awake...

"Your awake... how do you feel"

"My head hurts"

"Yeah no kidding Bobby hit you I
Really hard"


Y/n walked to the bed and sat down next to John.

"Do you need anything?"


"Ok just making sure"

There was an awkward silence before John spoke up



"You remember the day I joined magneto... and you said you loved me..."


"In what way did you mean that..."

"What way do you want me to mean it?"
Y/n said leaning closer to John

He hesitated but filled the space in between the two of you connecting your lips in a soft kiss. After awhile you pulled away for air.

"I meant it like that..."


Haha this shit was cringy as hell

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