Chapter- 13

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I am officially 9 months pregnant. I am due any day. God my stomach is huge. We've decided on penguin themed everything for Bentley. A lot of the baby shower stuff I got two months ago was penguins too. Luke and I have been busy looking for a house and finally purchased one. Its a light purple four bedroom house a block away from Mike, Calum, and Ashton's shared house. Today Luke and I are on a date. I've been very down lately about my weight so Luke wanted to make me happy. I'm wearing my Olaf sweatshirt, with gray and white leggings and black uggs. Luke and I are walking hand in hand in he woods.

"Luke we've been walking forever." I whine.

"We're here." He say and when I look up were at a waterfall. I turn around to look at it.

"Luke it's so beautiful-" I say turning back to him but I gasp. Luke is down on one knee, with a ring in his hand.

"Look Cass, ever since I met you at the concert I thought you were pretty. I honestly followed you that night because I wanted to see you then I saw you crying and had to say something. We hung out more, slept together, then you dropped the "I love my boyfriend we're just friends" bomb and I was crushed. But I didn't give up. Eventually I made you mine and i'm so glad. Then we found out your pregnant and I'm honestly blessed. I love you more then the world and I have ever since I first saw you. I love you Cassidy Wells, will you marry me?" He finishes as I begin to happy cry.

"Yes Luke!" I say kissing him. Luke slides on the ring, which is a bit small right now but whatever .

He laces our fingers and takes a picture of our hands. He posts it on instagram with the caption.

"I've finally made her permanently mine! And Bentley will be here any day! I love you Cassidy Hemmings <3 @Cassidy_is_a_penguin"

Luke and I walked back to my house and my mom instantly saw the ring.

"I knew she'd say yes! Congratulations you two!" She says.

"Welcome officially to the family Luke!" My dad says.

"Where is Zack?" I ask.

"He headed out today to go visit Angela an some friends." Mom says.

Luke and I go upstairs and I put on some cute black sweatpants,  and a gray tank top. I lift the tank top up my belly and rest my left hand with the ring on it on my stomach. I take a picture and post it on instagram.

"Officially going to be Mrs. Hemmings! And Bentley is soon arriving!" I caption.

I read through the comments to see some friends an tons of fans saying congratulations and occasional hate comments. I decide to update my instagram bio. I write.

"16 years old. Sydney, Australia. Fiancé of Luke Hemmings. Soon to be mother of Bentley James Hemmings. ~Live life to the fullest~ 5sos <3"

I write then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ouch" I say.

"Babe whats wrong?" Luke asks.

"I had a sharp pain- ouch!" I say as I get another one.

"Do you think its time?" He asks.

"No. My water hasn't broke." I say and try to breath through more pain.

"Honey I heard yelling. Whats wrong?" My mom says.

"She is having sharp pain in her stomach." Luke says.

"Those are contractions! How far apart are they?" She asks.

"Around 2 maybe 3 minutes." I say.

"I think its time." My mom says.

"I'm not going anywhere until my water breaks." I say crawling into bed.

"Fine but as soon as that water breaks were leaving.

About two hours of horrible pain later I feel pressure release and become extremely wet.

"LUKE MY WATER JUST BROKE!" I said running down the stairs slipping on my vans.

Luke grabs the bags and we run out of the house. When we get to the hospital and settle in Luke takes a picture of me in the hospital ed, smiling through the contractions.

"Bentley is on his way!" He posts.

I repost the picture saying.

"My water has broken and Bentley is hours away"


I wake up in the morning and roll over to see Luke holding Bentley. I can't stop smiling. I gave birth to Bentley James Hemmings at 5:45 am this morning, October 19th, 2015. I did all natural and let me tell you that hurt like a fucking bitch. Bentley was 7 pounds 6 ounces. All the boys and Luke's parents are supposed to be here today.

"Morning." I say startling Luke.

'Good morning mommy." Luke says handing me Bentley when I sit up.

A nurse comes in and asks us some questions. she says we can leave in two days.

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