Chapter 10: Bard of Laketown

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The man paddles the company across the frozen lake. Winter is setting in harshly and they are all still soaked to the bone. She ignores the ice and the dwarves as she stares ahead. 

"Oh, Bard. His name is Bard." She hears Bilbo say. 

"How do you know?" Bofur asks. 

"Uh, I asked him." Bilbo tells him. 

Ebony smiles. The young hobbit had grown strong since they left the Shire. More proud of who he was. Though the elf didn't like how cold it was, she knew that they were close. So close she could practically smell the mountain in the distance. 

"Come on lads, turn out your pockets." 

"No." Ebony stops him. "I said I would pay, and I intend to." 


"Enough." She warns Thorin. 

He nods and she approaches the man, Bard. He looks at her as she stops beside him. 

"Two years wages." She says as she hands him a sack. "It should be more than enough for you and your family." 

He nods but as she goes to rejoin the dwarves, he says something that sets her skin ablaze. 

"I know who you are, darkling." 

Ebony turns slowly, not saying a word. He seems to have realized his mistake. 

"I apologize-" 

"I could easily drown you in shadow at the bottom of this lake." She tells him. "And get the dwarves into the city myself." 

"Why don't you?" 

"Because I am not what people think I am." She tells him, and returns to her friends. 

The company looks her way as she approaches and she nudges Thorin. 


Through the thinning mist, they can see the mountain. The stone is shrouded in darkness and no light shines from it's core, but Ebony knows that the torches are still lit. The dragon within would want to be able to see his sprawling loot. Ebony stared at the stone, eyes locked on it as if it would give her the answers she was seeking. But, like always, the mountain was silent. Soon enough, the company was ordered into the barrels again. Ebony cloaked herself in shadow and hid in plain sight. They got through the first gate without a problem before they came upon the toll gate. The dwarves, covered in fish, could see nothing. But Ebony could see everything. 

"Halt! Goods inspection! Papers, please." The man looked over. "Oh, it's you, Bard." 

"Morning, Percy." Bard says as the boat comes to a halt. 

"Anything to declare?" Percy asks. 

"Nothing, but that I am cold and tired, and ready for home." 

"You and me both." Percy chuckles. 

Ebony watches Bard closely. He seemed wary of something, but the elf wasn't sure what it was. Percy returned. 

"Here you are, all in order." 

Suddenly, a ratty and greasy looking man snatched the papers. 

"Not. So. Fast." The man looks at the papers. "Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland Realm. Only, they're not empty, are they, Bard?" 

Ebony holds a growl as the man approaches Bard, stepping onto the barge while tossing the papers to the wind. 

"If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a bargeman. Not, a fisherman." 

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