Chapter 8: Home

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The woodland was sick. Ebony could feel it and see it. The cloak of darkness made Ebony shiver and her hair stand on end. Why would Thranduil allow the forest to turn into this? Even when she would practice the magic with her mother, the forest had never turned into this. She placed her hand on one of the trees and the nymph inside called out to her. 

Leave. It whispered. You must leave. 

Ebony pulled away. The forest was warning against them entering it. But something inside of her told her she needed to save the woodland. Thorin approached her as Gandalf rode off. She knew why. He felt it too. The dwarf looked at her. 

"You do not have to come with us." 

"This forest is sick." She told him. "I need to find out why." 

He nodded and turned to the company. "Stay together! Let's go." 

Entering the forest felt like she was dying inside. They walked, following the path as it turned and curved. Something called to her. 


Her eyes followed the sound and her heart stopped. Standing in the forest, just to her right, was a large white stag. His antlers glowed in the speckled sunlight as he looked at her. Her mind told her to follow him and then she realized something. He was standing on the path, and the company was gone. She whirled around. 

"Thorin?!" She yelled. 

No response. Her eyes found the stag again. He hadn't moved. 

"Follow you?" She asked. 

It nodded and she followed her insticts, approaching the massive deer. It grunted and as soon as her feet hit the path, her mind cleared from the fog that began to set in. She had no idea which way she needed to go but followed the stag down the path. After a few moments he looked at her and grunted again. 

"Keep walking.." She mumbled, earning a nod. "I can do that. But where are the dwarves?" 

He didn't answer, just walked off into the woods and vanished. Ebony suddenly realized that she was alone in the middle of a forest that could very well kill her. Her heart hammered in her chest. She followed the path in front of her and made sure she kept the stone under her shoes. 


Oh no. She froze in her spot. Her hood was pulled up but if she turned around, they would know who she was. And she would probably be killed on the spot. So Ebony didn't move. The person approached her and grabbed her arm, spinning her around. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she locked eyes with him. Legolas looked as shocked to see her as she was to see him. There was no running, either. Not with the iron grip on her arm. 


"Legolas..." She swallowed hard. 

"I find dwarves and now I find you?" He seemed irritated. 

"Please, I can explain-" 

"Don't bother." He said, grabbing her wrist. "You're coming with me." 

Shit. She could pull away and run, but if she stayed on the path they would find her within seconds. And if she strayed..... she stopped him. 

"The dwarves..." 

He looked at her and sighed. "They are alive. In fact..." 

"What?" She was worried now. 

"I've already taken them to my father." 

She paled. "No..."

"They aren't dead, Ebony." 

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