The Stars Sure Are Bright Tonight... 🐢❤️ (12)

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(THANK YOU FOR THE SUGGESTION @JoRoLycan! I hope this is what you were asking for! This is my first oneshot, so I really hope that I didn't butcher it!)

You sighed as you traced your finger along the rim of an empty wine glass, the glass having been empty for a long time.

You were so incredibly lonely.

Nights like this made you realize it.

Nights when all of your friends were out partying, and you sat in your house like a secluded crazy person.

Well, maybe you were in a way...

"UGH-" You groaned, laying your head down on the table. You sighed against it, the marble instantly cooling your forehead, "I need to stop being so pessimistic..."

Well, It was kind of hard not to be when you were sitting at home half drunk, practically passed out on the counter.

You stared down at your stained shirt and pants, covered with wine.

And you let out a very loud sigh.

You should probably do something with this mess that you called yourself...

Another sigh escaped your lips, your eyelids drooping as you stood up from the chair and grabbed the empty glass. You stumbled on your way to the sink, slightly tipsy as you went to rinse out the glass.

You finally gave up after spraying yourself for the 4th time, so you just set the glass down in the sink and stumbled into your room.

You practically threw yourself on the bed, wrapping your arms around your pillow as you basically suffocated yourself with it.

You were SOOO tired.

Just a few more seconds until you fell asleep...





Of course.

A horribly long and exhausting day. And to top it off, someone was calling you right before bed.

You grabbed the phone, clicking the button on the side two times to decline the call without even checking to see who it was.

You could NOT deal with this right now.

You buried your head back into your pillow, about to doze off again when the phone started to ring... AGAIN.

"SHUT UP!" You yelled, grabbing the phone with a furious looking face as you went to decline the call again.

But then you stopped.

You stopped when you saw the contact name...

The Hot Hothead 🐢🔥❤️

The furious look on your face melted into something softer as you inhaled.

Of course it was your crush calling.

Raph probably wanted to tease you about something, he always did a fabulous job at that.

You hesitantly answered the phone, putting it to your ear and grumbling out the words, "What is it, Raph?"

He chuckled on the other side of phone, making butterflies rush through your stomach, "Hello to you too grumpy."

You sighed, "What do you want?"

"Listen," He started, his voice lowering slightly, "I just- I need to get out of the lair right now, okay?"

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