Don't Leave Me 🐢💙 (07)

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"You'll be back soon, right?"

"Of course."

"I love you."

"I love you more..."


Those were the last words that you had spoken to your precious Leonardo before he left.

Splinter had sent him out to become a better leader, which meant that Leo was shipped off to Central America. Far away from you.

Worst part was, that it had been frowned upon for you to go. So here you were, thousands of miles from your beloved leader.

Well, at first, it hadn't been too bad.

You'd gotten a letter from Leo during just the first week of him being gone. He had promised that he would write, you just didn't expect a letter this soon. It was a very pleasant surprise for you.

The letter read...

My Dearest Love,

Y/N, words cannot describe how much I miss you. Every second spent away from you is another second in endless torment. My heart longs for nothing but to be with you, and my head spins faster each day without your love. I feel like I'm losing my mind without you.

Worst part is, I still don't quite know what Master Splinter wants me to do. And although that must sound a bit ridiculous since I just got here, I'm still worried. What if I don't become this great leader that he's sent me out to transform into?

I could really use you right now. You're exactly what I need. I need to hear your voice, and listen to your words of comfort and advice. Above all else, I just really want to hold you close to me. Really close. You're the only one that could possibly clear this haze in my mind.

I have done some good here though, even if it's not exactly what Master Splinter wants. Or maybe it is, I really don't know. Anyways, I've been protecting villages around my area from thieves and worthless scum. I've even earned myself the nickname of, 'The Ghost of the Jungle.' Pretty catchy, huh?

I hope this letter finds you well my dearest, I can't wait to see you again.

Love, Leonardo

The man really had a way with his words. You wrote back immediately, sending as much comfort as you could along with updates about what everyone was up to.

Everything changed about a year into his training though, which was when he was supposed to return.

He suddenly stopped writing.

He normally wrote you twice a month, sometimes three if you were lucky. So it was weird when you didn't get anything for a whole month.

You shrugged it off, assuming he was busy. But what made you worry, and hurt, was when no letters arrived during the next month.

No letters, no nothing.

He had broken off contact.

After going to Splinter, you found that Leo had broken off contact with him too.

Now you weren't hurt, you simply assumed the worst.

Your mind was filled with doubt, and you assumed that your love was dead.

You weren't the same for a while. You still went about doing normal things, but with significant less enthusiasm and a certain air of horrifying sadness lurking around you.

Eventually though, you snapped out of it. You assured yourself that Leo was fine, and that if anyone could fight off death it was him. Besides, he wouldn't want you moping around even if he was dead. Which you reminded yourself that he wasn't.

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