A Little Help from Leo... 🐢💜 (Rise)

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(Like I said before, this is Rise Donnie! Anyways, enjoy this little oneshot my lovely little turtle doves!!! ☺️🐢🕊️)

Donnie had been in love with you for far too long now.

Everything about you had him hooked. Your endless passion for the things you loved... your adorable snorty laugh... the way your eyes crinkled when you smiled... your fluffy H/C locks... but the best part...

Your one liners.

It sounded ironic coming from him, especially since he hated Leo's. But he couldn't help it, they were so cheesy that they were adorable. YOU were adorable. And Donnie was falling head over heels for you. He could just never express it, he'd never had a fine tune grip on his emotions. Hence, Mikey giving him lectures from 'Dr. Feelings' too many times to count.

Donnie did feel one thing, hatred for 'Dr Feelings.' HE WASN'T EVEN A REAL DOCTOR!


Anyways, Donnie was currently having a heart attack as he later out sprawled on his bed. He needed to talk to you. He was tired of acting like a dork around you. It always happened at the worst times, and he couldn't handle it.

Just yesterday, you had both tried to get the last slice of pizza. You hand had skimmed his, and Donnie had leapt back from the pizza box with a loud yelp. Cue embarrassment.

You of course, had tried to cheer him up with a little flirty joke, "Jeez Don, I don't bite! Unless you want me to that is~"

Cue Donnie running away as his face immediately heated up.

Like he said before, he was a dork around you. And he needed to STOP.

But how?

He wasn't as in tune with his emotions and cheery as Mikey, he'd probably sound like a sad emo if he tried to talk to you about emotions or something happy. And he wasn't as soft as Raph, he'd been called emotionless multiple times, (mostly by Leo), so he couldn't try a casual and nice approach. And speaking of Leo, that little devil... He wasn't half as flirty as him. It actually made Donnie doubt himself, he often thought that two flirty people would be better together than a flirty person and an emo. Was he emo? Eh- he didn't know.

Oh God, he was getting caught up in his thoughts, this was getting nowhere.

Donnie let out a loud groan as he dramatically pulled at his face, "WhyYyY~" He drawled it out like the little theater kid that he was before he finally sighed, slouching as he moved his legs to the edge of the bed.

He had NO ideas for once.

What were you doing to him?

"Knock knock~" A smooth voice spoke up, pulling Donnie from his thoughts as he turned to see his brother standing in the door.

Donnie rolled his eyes, "Leooo- how... GREAT, to see you."

Leo smiled despite Donnie's obvious sarcasm, "Great to see you too- aren't you just in a pleasant mood today?"

Donnie scoffed, crossing his arms in annoyance as he stood up from the bed and walked over to his desk. He quickly picked up the metallic bust of his head, pretending to work on it to hopefully drive Leo away.

Leo however, only smugly strolled over to his brother, "Whatcha doinnnnng~?"

Donnie slammed his hand down onto the desk in frustration, shooting an icy glare towards his brother as he furiously whipped around, "WORKING. Now- WHY DON'T YOU GO BOTHER Y/N OR SOMETHING?!"

Leo shrugged off Donnie's outburst, "Nah- you're much more fun to bother-" His eyes suddenly went wide as he smirked, "What's this about Y/N? Is that why you're cranky~?"

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