Christmas Oneshot- 🐢❤️🎄

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There it was.

Classic morning in Smeerensburg.

Never heard of the place?

Yeah, most people haven't.

My name is, Y/N... and I want nothing more than to leave this shitty hell hole.

A couple of years ago, I went to school. College that is, to become a teacher. It was my life's passion. To teach kids, and to help them to grow into the person they wanted to become.

It was all just a cruel joke.

They sent me to this place.


A place with a long history of hatred and rivalry.

The Krums versus the Ellingboes.

Apparently it had been going on for years.

Worst part was, there wasn't even really a school for me to teach in.

This rivalry tore the town apart. It was a small place, so only one school. And what type of Krum would let their kid go to school with an Ellingboe? None. Not a single Krum or Ellingboe liked the thought of it.

When I got here, full of hopes and dreams, they were Instantly distinguished. Put out, just like dousing a campfire with a big bucket of water.

No way back either.

I came here to make a living, started with no money and planned on working my way up from the bottom.

But, if you don't send your kids to school, how does a teacher get paid?

They don't.

So, empty classroom turned into empty room. Empty room turned into a small fish shop. Small fish shop turned into a same sized fish shop but with more fish.

It was living hell.

Not what I wanted to do with my life.

BUT HEY! At least I'm making money!


I-It doesn't matter, not the time for second guessing! Not when I'm this close to leaving this hell hole.

I can deal with the bells, and the fighting for a few more months. And then I'm hopping on tht boat and sailing away from the God Forsaken place.




That wasn't the fight bell.

Good. A customer.

I could hear the door burst open, slamming against the wall before being slammed shut again.

Whoever this was, was louder than the usual customer.

But it doesn't matter, business is business.

"Come to the counter, I'll be right out!" I yelled as I grabbed a giant fish out of a barrel. It was fresh, and big. Good.

"All right, Listen..." Whoever it was began to talk, "Whoever's there... I warn you! You do NOT want to mess with me! Okay?"

I rolled my eyes, a small scoff escaping my lips as I heaved the giant fish over to the counter.

"HOLY SEWER APPLES- Oh, The smell!" The owner of the voice yelled, making me chuckle a tad as I got closer to the counter and the voice.

I threw the giant fish on the counter, "We're fresh out of mackerel by the way. Only herring and burbot today."

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