Chapter Two

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ANNA WALKS AMONG the people and most of whom are very excited to see her. They haven't seen their princess for thirteen long years but it's marvelous that they recognized her as she passed by them. Perhaps, it was the elegant green gown she was wearing that makes her outstanding to the people.

As the princess was lost in her own thoughts, she neglected to feel the need to watch her step thinking that every street is now empty.

And the sudden appearance of a horse out of nowhere proved her wrong. The horse bumped into her with a strong impact, causing her to nearly fly away, and roughly fell off her balance. Her rear end collapsed on the paved road with a loud thud. Anna yelped in pain.

"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" The rider of the horse immediately dismounted to lend her a hand.

"No, I'm not alright, I---" she paused the sooner she lifts her eyes. A somewhat good-looking man dressed like a prince stretches out his hand.

"Please, forgive me. Let me help you get up."

Her cheeks suddenly flushed. "Thank you." It's her first time meeting a man from the outside world. Maybe I should've read anything about "How to talk to a Man" or something.

"I deeply apologized."

Anna softly chuckled. "I, uh, I should be the one to apologize. I wasn't actually looking at where I was going. It's my fault. I had genuinely expected the roads to be empty already because of the coronation."

"Oh, so, you're invited to the coronation too?"

"I am actually the sister of the person being coronated today."

"T-then you're---" he stammered.

"I am. Princess Anna of Arendelle." Anna curtsied.

"Uh, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." Hans also curtsied before apologizing again. "I deeply apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse."

"There's no need to apologize so much." She softly scoffed. "But it would have been much more different if it was my sister Elsa, but fortunately for you, it's just me."

"Just you?"

She nodded gleefully. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment like two people beguiled by one another. Just then that the bell rang, startling Anna.

"Yep. I, uh, I better get going now. The coronation is about to start. I'll see you there?"

Hans bowed his head. "Most likely, Your Highness."

Anna left the handsome prince with a genuine smile on her freckled face but when she turned into an empty alley, that genuineness transitioned into a mischievous one.

"I found the perfect match."

THE CHAPEL WAS filled with people as the coronation commenced. Everyone else was there and Anna who was standing by the altar caught Prince Hans in the crowd of people and they smiled at each other.

After being crowned by the Bishop, Elsa was required to hold the holy objects that were on the squire cushion; the orb and the scepter. She didn't wear any gloves that very day when she should be wearing one. She took advantage of her confidence. She's been locked up for thirteen years and never had she had any contact with anyone, let alone an entire crowd.

But Elsa's confidence seems to have dominated her fear of being discovered when she delightedly grabbed both the orb and the scepter with ease. The people stood as Elsa faces her new subjects. And while the Bishop formally ordains her as Queen, Elsa proudly stood before her people.

THE CORONATION WAS pulled off successfully, the after-party was a blast and everyone was having fun. They enjoyed the evening together and none of them bore the terror in their eyes of the tragedies that occurred nearly every week in Arendelle during the night. Not only were the people celebrating but also the sky was fully decorated with stars. They appeared to be happy as well with Elsa's success at the moment.

In the middle of the party, Elsa and Anna were introduced to their people.

"Her Majesty, Queen Elsa of Arendelle." She walked in so elegant a manner, very queen-like as her title says.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle."

The ungainly princess reluctantly stands beside her sister.

The party carried on, leaving the two sisters off from the people's eyes. Elsa glances at her younger sister.

"Hi," she softly utters.

"H-hi me?" Anna awkwardly faces her. For the first in forever, they finally got to see each other. But there is this invisible barrier that hinders Anna from properly keeping up a conversation with Elsa.

"Of course, I mean, you're the only one standing beside me." She smiled.

Anna's heart nearly melted. She badly wants to embrace her now, wrap her around her arms and never let her go again. "I-I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know to respond to you. I-I wasn't ready yet."

"I understand and I don't blame you. But by the way, you're looking very beautiful. You've grown up a fine woman."

Anna couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She turned away in haste and wipes them away. Of course, I'm happy to finally be able to talk to her. Why am I crying? I'm being silly!

"Hey, are you okay?" Elsa inquired.

She lets out a chuckle to assure her. "Of course, I am. I'm just--- overwhelmed, you know." She turns to face her again after ensuring that her face is dry. "You've actually grown up a very fine woman too, much finer than I am, I mean---" in the end, she burst into laughter.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Elsa, I'm not crazy." Her smile barely allows her to hold another batch of tears. "I'm just so happy to see you like this. How I wish we could be like this forever."

Anna's last words caused Elsa's smile to fade away. Her heart thumped, her knees trembled and her fingertips felt cold. Has she offended her again? Has she said something that angered her?

The emotions on Elsa's eyes, t-they're suddenly lifeless--- dead as a corpse.

"E-Elsa, I---" she was cut off.

"I know your desire to be with me but I'm afraid I can't grant that."

"What? But why---"

"I just can't!" she declared.

Startled, Anna froze in her stance.

Elsa was also taken aback by her shouting. "I-I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me."

She left the instant before Anna could perceive the changing color of her eyes.



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