Chapter Seven

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NO MATTER HOW much gold was promised to them but it could never be enough reason to betray them in the first place. The royal family trusted those soldiers with everything. Anna couldn't accept it and she is pained to know that such loyalty can only be exchanged with gold.

Kristoff takes notice of his companion's downcast expression. "I'm sorry about this. I should have seen everything coming. Maybe we wouldn't be this much agitated to save Elsa."

"But that's just the problem, Kristoff. You can't really perceive what will happen next," she softly admitted. "That kind of mystery in life will always be there. It's part of the natural cycle."

Anna couldn't bear the thought of losing her sister again. She already lost her once when their parents isolated them for no apparent reason and her heart never really recovered from that trauma. After their parents' death, Anna had assumed that she and Elsa will finally reconcile knowing that they only have each other, but she was greatly mistaken.

But just when she was given another chance to have her sister back, things begin to escalate in ways she never expected.

Her grip around Kristoff's waist tightened. "I can't let them take my sister away, Kristoff."

"Y-yes, I hear you." He softly groaned. I can't breathe.

"Please, let us hurry. I want to reach her before they do!"

"As you wish, my princess. Hyah!" The horse galloped through the night.

APPARENTLY, A RESCUE operation is not what mostly seems to other people as an easy task. And for Anna and Kristoff, their obstacles might just be more than ice spikes rain and tremors.

In the middle of a forest, the horse suddenly stopped galloping without warning, causing both Anna and Kristoff to fall forward.

"Kristoff, what's wrong?" Kristoff immediately lifts his finger to keep her quiet.

The bright moon only darkened their surroundings due to the shadows of the trees, causing enough difficulty for Kristoff to clearly perceive what was around them. But he can feel it, he knew that there is a malevolent presence that surrounds them--- and it cannot be outrun!

"Kristoff, what's wrong?" Anna whispers. She too felt an ominous presence. They might as well leave that instant if they want to evade them.


Anna's companion dismounted the horse. He cautiously took out his weapons attached to the side of the horse while his gazes are carefully observing their surroundings.

"Just stay on the horse," he declared. Anna nodded in response and clenches the rope.

A fleeting silence occurred until one giant wolf suddenly emerges from the shadows and pounces on Kristoff. The shocked Kristoff fell underneath the wolf's fang but fortunately, he managed to evade his large teeth by placing a dagger inside his mouth. He somehow ended him with ease.

"Kristoff!" Anna exclaimed. The horse whined in fear when several giant wolves begin to emerge one by one.

"Go! Get out of here! I'll meet you on the other side!"

The princess was reluctant to leave him alone. But the horse seemed like it understood the situation and ran off from the danger. The tearful Anna brushes away her tears and maneuvers the horse away. You better not be dying on my watch!

Meanwhile, Kristoff was being attacked by giant wolves simultaneously. Their blood-red eyes are angered by what he did to their comrade. They don't look like normal snow wolves and they are literally way bigger. Their backs, however, contain ice furs looking like large spikes and they emit a red glow, just like the ice on Elsa's face.

"Did she create you all?"

The wolf replied with a snarl before it pounces on him. This time, Kristoff was quick enough to evade him. Using his two formidable swords, he displayed his ability and strength in sword fighting.

Every wolf that dares to lunge at him ends up being lacerated by his blades. The pure white snow underneath them is no longer as pure as it was earlier.

The painful howls and whines of Kristoff's opponents echoed to a distance.

Not one was spared by him and those who even tried to run away were pursued by Kristoff and he silenced them in the most horrible way.

ANNA FIDGETS WITH her fingers while she awaits the return of her companion. It's been nearly ten minutes. Yes, she knows because she was counting every second that passes. First, she had a sister to worry for, and now Kristoff? What's next?

"Where is he?" She dismounted the horse and walks back and forth beside it.

Unlike Anna, the horse appears to be calmer now than it was earlier.

But before having her head spin out of worry, the soft noise of crushing snow alerted Anna to her companion's arrival.

"Kristoff--- oh." She halted the instant she saw the state he is currently in. She pressed her lips. "Would you be offended if I ask you to change first?"

Kristoff gazes down at his clothes. Nothing was on them aside from the enormous amount of blood that stained nearly his entire clothes. Even his face was smeared with it.

Instead of being angry, he scoffs at her. "For a person like you, it's kind of ironic that you'd feel disgusted with blood."

"You know why."

He shrugged off her comment and takes out the extra pair of clothing he had on his horse.

While Kristoff was changing, Anna asks him about the wolves. "What do you think they are?"

"Did you know that Elsa can also create snow figures and imbue them with life?" he asked in return instead.

"How was I supposed to know that? And besides, if that were true, they didn't appear like snow figures. Their furs looked as real as the ones a real wolf has. They seemed more like evolved animals."

She heard him chuckle. After he finished changing, they mounted on the horse, and Kristoff proceeds to divulge to her on the way. "They weren't just figures made of ice and snow. But you're right. You've seen their blood on my clothes, they're real animals indeed."

"I didn't know Elsa was capable of making animals evolve."

"You're mistaken." He clicked his tongue. "I don't think Elsa made normal wolves evolve like that."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I think you know already."



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