Chapter Five

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BRANDED BY THE duke a monster several times, Elsa's eyes turned blood-red. Unfortunately, this was the same moment when the he called out her eyes.

Frightened, Elsa ran away and the latter was chased by Anna.

The entire courtyard was filled with people who welcomed their queen upon discerning her approach. She was left with no choice but to run through the flood of people. She succeeded and passes through them but not with ease.

"Elsa, stop!"

But the latter only scurries away.

As Elsa reaches the fjord, she inadvertently froze the water with her single step.

"Elsa, please stop!"

Upon hearing Anna's voice, she was finally compelled to take her step further on the water's surface. Her footsteps left a snowflake for a trail. These snowflakes spread rapidly in the fjord, they froze the nearby ships and the freeze crawled further across the lands.

The temperature dropped, snow begins to fall, and the people immediately felt the shivery sensation of the approaching winter. Before anyone could fully grasp the situation, the entire kingdom of Arendelle has already fallen deep in eternal winter.

"It's raining snow."

"But it's summer."

The people are baffled. What unnatural force could've flipped their weather from summer to winter? As the princess returns to the castle, she was immediately confronted by the duke, blaming her for causing the winter.

"Because you let that monster escape, now, look what you did!" he angrily yelled. "That monster has gone too far. She's going to freeze us all to death and take away our souls."

"Will you stop calling my sister a monster?" Anna is nearly fed up with his offensive accusations.

"Stop covering for her," he warned her, his eyes expressing his graveness. "You saw what she did. You saw how her eyes turned red earlier!"

"I didn't see anything."

"She's the frostbite killer! If you keep on covering for her, not only will your sister suffer the consequences but also you and your entire kingdom. Is that what you want?"

Anna was taken aback. She gazed upon her people. Their countenance bore various expressions. Some of them thirst for an explanation, and some of them grieve. But overall their faces demand the truth.

Until one mother carrying a baby in her arms steps forward courageously. "Please, Your Highness, tell us the truth."

Her words caused an uproar, the people are advancing and surrounding the princess all the while yelling for her to reveal the killer. But how was she supposed to tell them?

Neither she had any idea who!

"Everyone, stop!" yelled a servant. The crowd was silenced. "Please, let her speak. Let us listen to our princess."

Taking a deep breath, Anna stood brave to face her people. As much as she hates it, the duke is right. They all deserve to know.

"You all know well that my parents locked the gates thirteen years ago. I didn't know it was because of my sister. I knew nothing about her powers either. But I believe that my sister is not a monster! Listen to me, my good people. My sister, your queen, is not the monster here."

"I---" Anna immediately paused. She never thought that confessing in the middle of a crowd was far more arduous than conversing with her sister. She gulped. "I don't know who the real culprit is but my sister didn't do anything. She would never harm anyone."


A loud thud occurred. The loud gasps of the people and their shocked expressions ruled the courtyard when Anna deliberately knuckled the old duke. The poor old man fell with a bleeding mouth on the cold ground.

"I will go after my sister and bring her back and we will do anything to bring back summer. In the meantime, Gerda and Kai---" she turned to her trusted servants, "--- can you watch over the castle while I'm away? Hand out cloaks and ensure their warmness. The temperature keeps dropping by the second."

"We will, Your Highness. Be safe on your journey."

Shortly after her horse arrives, Anna set out on a journey and ventured into the North Mountain. The thick snow covering its entirety hinted certainty to Anna that her sister went there and caused another cold mess.

AS ELSA WALKS in the snow-covered ground, her footprints are disappearing due to the strong gust of cold breeze that swirls around her. Unbeknownst to her, people are living beneath the North Mountain. The fast-approaching winter earlier was already enough to frighten them. But their experience of unusual phenomenon occurrences was not yet over.

"Look over there! It's a blizzard!"

In the middle of that blizzard, Elsa walks in a trance, murmuring: "It's cold. I need warmth. I need human warmth."

"It's coming! Run for your lives!"

"Everyone, take cover!"

The people were in great panic. The blizzard was growing bigger and bigger as it approaches their small village. The strong gust of wind it emits is throwing the people away from their balance.

Unfortunately, the blizzard took no mercy as it took the souls of every living being it touches. Snake-like arms emerged from it in the form of compact snow. It reached out to everything that has life as though it had a mind of its own.

"Warm. Warm. I need warmth!" Elsa continues to mutter.

The red ice spikes on her face induced a refulgent glow, much brighter and luminous than its usual appearance. The size of each individual varies from one another and they too had been increasingly growing every time Elsa consumes a new soul.

"Warmth! I need more warmth!" She cackled deviously like a maniac.

A strong dark force inadvertently formed within her. The blizzard turned into a large snow tornado after she consumed an entire village. The strong glow of the spikes on Elsa's face radiates outside the tornado. Elsa gushes out an ear-splitting wail as she releases the force from within her.

The tornado created an extreme blast, and the grounds rumbled followed by a rain of ice spikes falling all over the kingdom of Arendelle.



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