Chapter Sixteen

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GERDA IS SADDENED to see Her Highness in a broken state. She witnessed her struggles growing up and the suffering she had to deal with.

"Your Highness, you only did all of this for your sister. You always told yourself that nothing would stand against you. Everything that mattered to you was only Elsa and Elsa alone. Now, please don't be so broken over some man who gave you nothing but a fleeting affection. Remember your sacrifices and why you are doing all of this."

"I'm doing it all for Elsa," she firmly stated and chuckled sarcastically. "My parents never really understood what it meant to love Elsa. They didn't know the sacrifices they had to make. I do, but sometimes it's not always easy to love villains, you know. You'd forget where to stand and you'd forget what is right from wrong. I shamefully admit that I have forgotten that the lives of other people still mattered. All I ever think now is giving Elsa what she wants."

A painful smile plastered on Gerda's lips. Indeed, being a sister to the queen wouldn't always guarantee someone's sanity.

The sadness and sorrow were evidently swirling in Anna's blue eyes. "And because of Elsa, I became a Grim Reaper that collects souls to feed her. These past three years have been so difficult for me. It wasn't easy to capture a man especially when they're stronger than I am. And the horror on their faces every time they realized that it was me, I will never forget. They haunt me in my dreams."

"Such is the consequences of selling your soul to love, Your Highness. Your mother suffered the same I believe. I heard from Kai this morning that some parts of the kingdom have nearly reached their desolation. The people are now afraid to leave their houses. Apparently, some are beginning to doubt you now too," Gerda divulges.

Anna sighed and sank onto the sofa. "I kept assuring them that the duke is still imprisoned but they didn't know yet that everyone is already dead. I lied just to protect Elsa. Is this really the great cost I'd have to pay for my desire of being with my sister again? I've marked the destruction of our kingdom the moment I declared my love for her!"

"To some people, they will never understand your reasons for doing all this." Gerda approaches and sits beside the princess. "Family is everything to you. You love your family too much that it pushed you too far off your limits--- all just to save your sister. Sometimes, sacrifices are inevitable when it comes to saving your family. But not everyone has the strength to do what you do, Your Highness."

Anna scoffs with violence to show her incredulity. "Strength? I don't even know anymore what kept me intact with sanity for the past three years. Killing our own people has never been a normal job in Arendelle but with Elsa being the queen--- she made that kind of job easier and gave emphasis just how meaningless a person's life is to her and that they are nothing but provisions."

Gerda held the princess' hand and gripped it gently. "But there isn't another way to save her, isn't it?"

As painful as it is that statement of truth is what will haunt the princess for the rest of her life should she fail to provide Elsa with the souls she needed.

Anna releases a deep sigh. She is greatly dejected and disappointed at the same time that it feels like she's been dragging an anchor with her the whole time. The heavy burden laid upon her shoulders was too much to the extent that she would sometimes accidentally kill her captured victims in a fit of rage; resulting in her abducting another live one.

"Even after receiving love, Elsa doesn't still seem to comprehend what it is," Anna regretfully stated. "She wanted human warmth because her coldness taught her that love must be a warm feeling. But I already gave her enough love and still, she wants more! My love wasn't enough for her!"

"Your love must have encouraged Her Majesty to perform more wicked deeds."

"Exactly my thoughts, but one thing I can assure you, Gerda." She looks up to meet her eyes. "Elsa is not the monster here."

Gerda pressed the princess' hands. She knows well what she meant by those words but she never took them by heart. All she sees is nothing but a little girl longing to have her sister. Before her words could leave her mouth, the sound of a trumpet distracts them; it's the signal of Elsa and Kristoff's return.

"Your sister has returned, Your Highness. You should go greet her." Gerda put on the best smile she could to cheer the princess. Anna painfully stood up and neared the window.

THE COUPLE ELSA and Kristoff happily dismounted Kristoff's noble steed. The wide grins etched on their faces profusely aches Anna's heart as she watches them from the castle entrance. They looked too happy as though something good happened in the Ice Castle. Elsa runs to her briskly and jumps to embrace her.

"You are not going to believe what happened!" she joyfully exclaimed, nearly squealing like a teenage girl, her elegance and poise would feel ashamed.

Anna tried to equally match her sister's enthusiasm. "I bet that's something exciting. Come on, tell me!"

The queen held her hands together on her chest and glanced at her partner before showing Anna her left palm; and lo and behold, an engagement ring was worn!

"He just proposed to me!"

Like the explosion of dynamite that Anna's heart felt like when she heard about the dreadful news. Her blood rushed through her system, her heart pumped so wildly like a lion wanting out of its cage, her knees trembled and her fingertips felt cold. What on earth just happened? she felt like drowning in cold water with no one to save her. Could someone pull her up? Her air is nearly extinguished.

Someone save me from this nightmare.

DINNER WAS A blast to celebrate Elsa and Kristoff's engagement. The whole kingdom was invited and despite the ongoing frostbite killings, everyone doesn't seem to care. Their faces looked just like the way they were during Elsa's coronation. Is celebrating at the castle give them all that much valiance? Everyone seems to be having fun--- all except for Anna. She stood outside the balcony of the dining room while everyone was congratulating Elsa and Kristoff.

"You two are inseparable!"

"You look good together, Your Majesty. He's a fine man!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. When will the wedding be?"

"Kristoff and I are just making plans for our wedding."

Those are the statements and praise that reach Anna's ears. Another moment of a nightmare she'd just have to go by. As she watches how the happy couple is having a good time, a tear involuntarily escaped from her eyes. She turns away just the second when Elsa glances in her direction. Lifting her eyes at the glowing full moon above the sky, Anna reveals her dark smirk and declares:

"Wedding? There will be no wedding."



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