Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A flashback of the past: Part One

BACK THEN, THE forest was so magical. The sun would shine so bright and the sky was very blue. The silver clouds would always appear so dazzling. Nature was a friend to the Northuldran tribe. The five elements of nature provided to them by the Snow Queen brought prosperity to their tribe. But despite being a Snow Queen, she doesn't often send winter to the forest, and also, no one has yet seen her face.

A young woman 18 of age that goes by the name Iduna was working as a healer in their tribe. Her parents died when she was 15. Unfortunately, they both had to sacrifice their lives in exchange for her position. For some reason, the Snow Queen has been picking her as a favorite despite that people are already being offered to her. She'd purposely ignore the offered ones and pick her instead. That's when her parents come in to save her.

Since their death, Iduna has never been the same person. She used to be warm and kind-hearted, but things changed for her drastically. Her fellow Northuldra would often endure their wounds rather than approach her to heal them.

Her grandmother, Elda, inherited the power of sorcery from their ancestors. She has been learning spells from when she was young, and there were good forms of spells for they helped their tribe in mostly everything.

The Snow Queen darkens their doorsteps each time one member of their family becomes the chosen one to be offered. So, Elda would come to the family members and heals their broken hearts.

She did the same thing to Iduna but unfortunately, she has already succumbed to grief which causes her heart to darken. The downside for those who inherited the power of sorcery, if that happens; no magic or spell could ever lift the darkness in their hearts. This is the reason behind Iduna's drastic change.

Elda's magical ability was passed on to her daughter Rosa, Iduna's mother, and when Iduna was born, the ability was also passed on to her. Ironically, Iduna cannot heal her own heart despite her being the healer.

"How long must you go on like that?" Elda tells her granddaughter one day after she healed a fellow Northuldran.

The young Iduna shrugs and nonchalantly replies, "You keep asking me that question as though I have a choice. This isn't a normal emotion that I could easily switch, grandmother."

"You could at least try."

"There is no turning back for me. And even if I can I don't want to. I don't need a daily pain reminder of why I lost my parents."

"It's not your fault, Iduna!" Elda hissed. "They did it for you because they love you. Stop blaming yourself."

"Oh, I don't," she spat. "I blame her, the Snow Queen! She took everything away from me! Believe me, grandmother, if only I am strong enough I would fight her and avenge my parents and our people whose lives she took!"

Elda is saddened to see her only granddaughter being torn by revenge and anger. She wanted to see her smile again but it seems like she won't live long enough to witness it.

A few days later, the King of Arendelle, King Runeard, comes to the Magical Forest along with his soldiers. And among those many people, Iduna's attention was caught by the young prince, Prince Agnarr. It was rumored that King Runeard wanted to make peace with the Snow Queen and in doing so he gifted the tribe good provisions from Arendelle.

The king and his men stayed in the Northuldra village for a few days as they await the Snow Queen's decision. And during those days, Iduna and Agnarr became really close friends which inwardly nettled the king. The only reason he came there is to rid of the people who possess the magic powers of nature. To him, having those abilities is an abomination. But even after confirming that the people don't really possess magical abilities, it did not stop him from performing his wicked plan.

So, on the day when he was finally summoned to the Snow Queen's castle, King Runeard commenced his evil agenda. When the Snow Queen was not looking, he attacked her from behind. The unarmed and unguarded queen was stabbed through the heart by King Runeard's cursed sword. An ice creature was alerted by his treachery and warned everyone in the forest.

Chaos instantly broke out. The royal soldiers defended themselves when the Northuldra people suddenly attacked them for no reason, not knowing that their king had done something devious. Amidst the battle, Prince Agnarr was taken away from the peril by Iduna. He was saved before the entire forest was engulfed in darkness. The sky became gloomy, the clouds turned grey, everything was dark except for the glowing leaves and the entire forest was covered in a dark mist, sealing everyone inside.

Unfortunately, the Snow Queen received a severe wound. Though she was able to consume the king's soul it can't save her from dying. Left with no choice, she needed to come up with another plan in order to free her forest and save herself.

She called forth for Elda. And knowing Iduna's personality, she knew she'd take her grandmother's place--- and she did.

"Do you know the Prince of Arendelle? Prince Agnarr?" the Snow Queen inquired. Her cold voice masked her painful wound.

Iduna was in the throne room, the queen took her seat on her majestic ice throne. Mild light was present, preventing Iduna to perceive the Snow Queen's appearance.

"If you are going to kill me now, just do it."

"I'm not going to kill you, Iduna," the Snow Queen revealed. "But I will be needing your help. I will need you to infiltrate the kingdom of Arendelle so that I can have my revenge and free my home."

"And why would I help you?"

She chuckled. "Spare me the coldness and drop the act. I know you cared for that prince. If you're not going to do my bidding, I will have his soul. But I guess it won't do you anything more, will it? Your heart's been laid in darkness since the day I took both of your parents."

Iduna clenches her fists. She hates to admit but the reality is already written in her eyes. Her heart was overshadowed by darkness before but since her meeting with Prince Agnarr, the darkness was lifted from her heart.

True love brought her to light once more.

"So, do we have a deal?"

Iduna looks away. The situation was likely in the Snow Queen's favor. She reluctantly nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

"The king released a dark force through me using his cursed sword when he pierced my heart, which covered this entire forest with the dark mist. Unfortunately, the mist can only be lifted by the person who release it or by another person that comes from the king's bloodline." The Snow Queen rose from her throne. She paced gently toward Iduna. A small light that peaked through the windows illuminated a few portions of her face, allowing Iduna to perceive her pale white skin and the beauty she possesses.

"I need someone powerful from his bloodline to lift this mist, and this is where you come in, Iduna."



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