Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A flashback of the past: Part Two

IDUNA ESCAPED FROM the Dark Forest and became the queen of Arendelle after she married Prince Agnarr. She soon got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl whom they named Elsa. Iduna chose that name after her grandmother Elda and mother Rosa. But what was supposed to be a happy day for every mother has turned gloomy for Iduna. Infant Elsa's blue eyes reminded her of the day she sold her soul to love.

Their last conversation lingered in her mind:

"It was my powers that created the dark mist. But I can't lift it because I'm not the one who enacted the curse. I need to have his bloodline cursing through my veins for me to lift the darkness from my home. But for that to happen, I must come from his bloodline."

"And how am I supposed to help you with that?" Iduna's forehead was deeply wrinkled in confusion.

"It is very simple. You came from a long line of sorcerers and witches; you will perform on me a spell called the Ritual of Rebirth. The moment you will become one with your prince, I shall be reborn inside your womb, making me your firstborn child."

She ended her flashback. Indeed, the very infant that Iduna gave birth to is none other than the Snow Queen herself. Days after she was born, Elsa instantly displayed great wonders of the five elements of nature. Iduna had feared that the baby's body won't be able to handle the strength of her power, so she and Agnarr sought help from the trolls.

Grand Pabbie extracted the four elemental power of the infant Elsa. Apparently, he can't take them all for Elsa will die. They then sealed the rest of her powers in the shape of an actual heart to remind them that Elsa's life is connected to her powers.

Indeed, the Snow Queen's existence was unique for her very heart is created through the five elements of nature; this is the reason why Grand Pabbie could not take all her powers.

"Your Majesties," said Grand Pabbie. "You must understand that taking her other elemental powers also means taking away Elsa's heart. The consequence of this; she will never, in any way, feel anything or understand someone's feelings. She will never feel anyone's love nor will she feel love for someone else. This might become complicated once she starts to show signs of aggressiveness due to her power."

"We understand. But we'll find a way to deal with it. We'll never abandon her."

King Agnarr's words were so convincing and heartwarming, only it became a waste when he broke his own words and abandoned Elsa to rot in her room.

"What are we going to do? She will never stop killing, Agnarr! No matter how many times we tell her she will never understand! Because we have taken away her heart, remember?" Elsa has killed again despite her being locked inside her room. They still don't know how she escapes and they are too afraid to open her door.

"Where did you say you hid her heart again?" Agnarr inquired.

She swallowed. "I used the last of my powers to seal her heart all the way across the Dark Sea--- to Ahtohallan."

It seems that their plan on returning to the forest would no longer be possible. Elsa has killed too many people. They can't to tolerate her crimes any longer.

Iduna and Elsa's mission is to return to the Dark Forest and lift the mist when she turns 18. But something unusual happened. Apparently, the Snow Queen that she gave birth to doesn't seem to remember everything anymore. When Elsa just turned eight, she used to tell her not to forget about their plan about setting the forest free. But a few days after they locked her up, she no longer reminds her. Perhaps, it might just be for the best, and for the safety of the people in Arendelle. Her thoughts awakened when Agnarr called her name.

"It's our only choice, Iduna."

"You're not actually thinking about doing it, are you?"

"Our people are dying," Agnarr reminded her.

"But she's still our daughter."

Despite everything the Snow Queen took from her, Iduna has grown to love her as her own daughter--- after all; she did give birth to her. And if they kill her now, the forest will never be free. But either way, people will continue to die as long as she's alive. The Snow Queen's hunger for human souls will never be quenched as long as there is breath in her lungs.

And with that impression, a decision has been made.

Elsa just turned 18 but on that very day, Iduna and Agnarr went on another voyage for Ahtohallan, not knowing that it'll be their last.

"Grand Pabbie said that to destroy Elsa, there is only one way--- we must destroy her powers, her very heart. Her life is tied to her powers," Iduna tells Agnarr. Their ship is already at the dock, the crew is just awaiting their orders before they set sail.

Agnarr nodded thoughtfully. No one would understand their will for killing their own daughter. But many have already died, and this might just be the only way to give them justice.

"Are you ready to bear the endless guilt for killing our own daughter?" Agnarr softly asked his wife.

A tear fell from Iduna's eyes. "She was my queen, but now she's my daughter. I never thought I'd love her but this is the only way. I'll pay for my sins for abandoning my people in the forest."

A series of screams interrupted their conversation. They were forced to step outside to check what was going on--- only to witness the most gruesome scene parents could witness with regard to their children. Blood was splattered everywhere, dead bodies lie scattered.

They gasped. "Anna?"

"THE RIVER OF Memories that was said to melt Elsa's frozen heart was never real in the first place," Anna revealed. "Elsa lied to us! She lied to me about everything! There is so such a thing as a River of Memories! That explains why Yelena never knew anything about it. Elsa only created that lie to trick you all into telling her Ahtohallan's real location."

"H-how can that be?" Kristoff stammered. Even he was in a state of disbelief. "You went into that room together. How did you not notice the real documents?"

"And that's where you're wrong," Anna corrected. "I fell unconscious after lashing out. She found that room even before she told me about it."

"What are we going to do now, Yelena?" Honeymaren's distressed voice started a panic amongst everyone.

"Ahtohallan is a very powerful place. If someone like Elsa should take it--- only one thing is now certain for us; darkness and chaos!"

"What have you done, Anna?" Captain Mattias bravely confronted Her Highness. "You have doomed us all! You never should have come here! You never should have let her follow that voice!"

"I know and I'm sorry!" Anna cried, falling to her knees as she breaks down.

Yelena gazed upon her panicking people. Everyone is in disarray. Not knowing what to do, some just fall to the ground and wait for the chaos. The hopelessness in Yelena's eyes did not help to encourage her people. "Forgive me, my good friends. But there is nothing now that we can do."

"Everyone, the sky!"

Their heads simultaneously looked up, including Anna and Kristoff. The clouds were warning them a storm is coming--- and it did come. Shortly after the sky was darkened, a strong gust of cold breeze blew against their skins, and they shivered, followed by falling white particles.

"It's snowing," Honeymaren muttered.



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