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THE RUMORS ABOUT Elsa being a soul-thirsty monster spread in Arendelle the night of her coronation when the Duke of Weselton had witnessed the queen by accident, devouring an ambassador's soul. He goes on and accuses the queen, branding her good name as a villain. Elsa ran forth into the North Mountain to take refuge, accidentally setting off an eternal winter everywhere.

Yet even after she returned from the North Mountain and have Anna clear her name, it didn't stop Elsa from killing more people. In fact, she aggravated the situation with the confidence that the blame will fall on the duke.

Elsa finally took the role of the villain. She went too far to the point of deceiving her sister, creating a fake document and rewriting the words using the handwriting of their mother. She played well with the Northuldra leader, Yelena, successfully tricking her into telling Ahtohallan's location.

The tricky part is that everyone thought it was Queen; Elsa's murderous personality.

The truth is it has always been Elsa. Queen never had the chance to step into the light, except for that one moment when she bravely faced Anna's accusations about murdering their parents.

Queen was innocent, and Elsa played it too well to act both personalities.

But perhaps, there is always a backstory behind a person's every action.

Just like Anna always said, Elsa is not the monster around.

THREE DAYS AFTER they returned to a completely frozen Arendelle, Kristoff and Anna began another journey again to head for Ahtohallan and retrieve Elsa's heart. The two somehow made it out of the Dark Forest despite the dark mist.

Anna cautiously sealed the heart inside a special box she herself created.

"What's going to happen to Elsa now? Did your plan really worked?" Kristoff pondered.

Anna grins wickedly. "It worked well. Otherwise, this heart wouldn't be beating."

"That's good to know. Let's go back now and wake her up."

"You know, I've been waiting for this day to come, the day when all my sacrifices will finally pay off and the day when I finally reconcile with my sister." She chuckles and faces Kristoff. "My power is nearly depleted, Kristoff, but I don't care. If it's all for Elsa I wouldn't hesitate to use the last bit of it for her."

Kristoff sighed. "That was expected of you. You've been infusing her body with magic to heal her injuries. And you've certainly used a lot when the Duke of Weselton pierced her. You've also been sending the people in a trance so they'll momentarily forget about the tragedies each time a celebration occurs in the castle. And the process of the clone's growth surely cost you a lot since you had correspond her growth with the actual and real Elsa. I know you've used some kind of advanced Black Spell but isn't there a limit to your powers?"

"There is," Anna admitted. "I inherited my sorcery power from our mother. Oddly enough, I didn't know why she never thought about checking if she passed it on to me."

"I guess giving birth to the Snow Queen took a toll on her worries that she never had time to think about other things."

Anna and Kristoff returned to Arendelle afterwards.

And unbeknownst to the people of the kingdom, there is actually a hidden doorway in the basement that leads directly to the bottom of the castle. They descended the dark stairs until they reached the bottom. And at the center of it lies before them a beautiful woman encased inside a clear and transparent ice. The room was dark and the glow coming from beneath the ice crystal is what only illuminates the place.

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