B For Bradshaw.

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AN: this story will take place is multiple POVs! I have never done a Newt Scamander story but I've had this idea in the works for months now and have to get it out! ❤️ Hope you love it!

My name is Lexi. Lexi Bradshaw. At least that's the last name I can remember hearing someone say before... before everything went black. I'm 20. Small. Only 5,2. Thin. I have pale blue eyes. The thing is... that's about all I know. I have small glimpses of my past and who I was before, but not enough to put clues together. Another thing is... I don't know, what I am. I look human. But I can do things humans can't. That's how I met my friend, Albus Dumbledore! Well.. it wasn't initially a friendly encounter!

You see, since I got these powers, I didn't know what was happening or how to control it. So when people from my world began to find out, there was a price on my head. Not for death, well, some for death. But mostly the government. They wanted to study me. Use me as a weapon. It didn't feel right. I didn't even know who or what I was. I was scared. And they didn't care about that, they just cared about my power and wanted to extract it for their own personal gain. So when it came to it, and I was surrounded in the woods of a vast mountain range in the Alaskan wilderness after running for days. Something happened. I can't explain it. I don't know why. But a surge of energy erupted from me, tearing open a portal in the space-time continuum, where a man stepped out. He wore outdated, yet stylish clothing and a fedora hat. The man had a beard that was neatly kept and the brightest blue eyes that radiated kindness and concern.

Shocked, startled, scared, surprised, i looked to him and he understood without words. He reached out a hand and gave a small, slow nod to trust him. I had two options. Stay, and die being experimented on by a government I hated, or trust this strange man from the portal and escape. With tears in my eyes I reached out my hand to his, and the moment our fingertips touched, we were whisked away into yet another strange place. If I thought his clothes were outdated- THIS place was even more out dated. It was... a castle!

"Who are you!? Where am I right now!?" I shouted angrily as I felt the surge of energy pulsing through my veins, as my fingertips and palms began to glow a teal green, as did the ends of my long hair. 

"It's alright- I'm not going to hurt you- you're safe here." The man said calmly with both hands in the air as if I was a wild animal.

"Answer me!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

"My name is Albus Dumbledore. I'm headmaster here. You are at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He cautiously stated.

"Witchcraft..?!" I retorted confused with a raised eyebrow.

"May I..?" He gestured to his coat.

I cautiously nodded.

The man pulled out.... A stick...?

"What is that!?" I asked, growing guarded again.

"It's called a wand. It's what we use to direct our magic within us safely." He explained.

"Show me." I demanded, still angry, and untrusting.

He used his wand to turn on the lights. Causing me to gasp.

"Please, miss..?" He began.

"Lexi. Lexi Bradshaw." I stated as I began to calm.

"Miss Bradshaw, you're safe here. I won't let those people hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you.. if you don't mind me asking- what-"

"What am I? I don't know..." I stated as my glow settled.

"We're you born this way?" He asked now calmer, leaning against a desk.

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