A pet...?

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To say the man was weird was an understatement, the boys found him highly sketchy. He had dirt under his fingernails, greasy hair, and his teeth were stained. The boys looked at each other and slightly frowned.
"I'm sorry sir, but we don't-"
"Perfect! Now, I understand that you guys have busy lives," the man said, cutting off Namjoon before he could turn the man away. "But! Have you ever thought about getting a pet?"
The boys looked at each other because they had looked into getting a pet and was still thinking about getting one. Once the man notices he had gotten their attention, he snapped his fingers and one of his men came up to them with a small cat crate.
"Now, I sell exotic pets. This one is very rare!! She is a lion cub, but she is also the runt of her family. Saying that, I will give you half off for her." The man said, an unsettling glint in his eyes as he licked his lips.
Taehyung looked into the cage and his eyes widened. There, sleeping, was a lion cub runt, her fur looked clean, but he could see her ribs and how sickly skinny she looked. He leans over to one of his members and whispered what he saw. Jungkook's eyes widened and whispered it to his hyung, and it was like that until it reached Namjoon.
Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and looked into the cage, what he saw tugged at his heart and anger started to boil inside him. Who could do such a thing to a small animal? And a runt as well?!
Namjoon turned to his members and they huddled up in a tight circle, talking in hushed tones.
"I really don't like the way that cub looks..." Taehyung said, his eyes glancing at his members.
Jin sighed and rubbed his temple, "I knew that guy was no good as soon as we opened the door... why and how he got his hands on a lion cub is beyond me."
Yoongi, who usually never let his emotions show, was fuming. He looked at the others and frowned, "are we just gonna let the cub go back to that- that- that thing!" His voice was hissing as anger coursed through his bloodstream.
Jimin looked at the others with a hopeful look, "can't we just take the cub in? Like, we wanted a pet, why not have her as a pet?"
Hoseok shook his head, "Jimin, adopting a wild animal is a lot of paperwork and money. Not to mention when they get older."
Jungkook pouted and sneaked a glance at the small cub. He frowned more and turned to his hyungs, "please hyungs? I don't want to think about what will happen if we let the thing go..."
Yoongi nodded after Jungkook spoke. The boys were quiet as they looked to their leader who had been quiet the whole time. Namjoon looked at each of his members and was about to say something when the man cut him off, again.
"Ah, also, this cub is a peculiar case. She is one of THOSE types of exotic pets."
Everyone turned to the man slowly, trying to hold back their anger as it dawned on them what the guy was talking about. The cub was one of the rare pets, a hybrid. BTS never voiced their opinions on the matter, but they highly disliked how they were treated.
Before anyone could say anything, Namjoon grabbed the cage from the man's worker and glared at them. "How much?" he spat, rage evident in his tone.
The man smirked as he licked his lips and grabbed a notebook, "I'll have to say... oh, about 849,579.02 won." The boys glared at the man as they each grabbed their wallets and pitched in to get the amount needed, even a little more.
Hoseok took the money and shoved it in the man's hands, "keep the change." And with a fake smile, he shut the door.

The boys sat in the living room, the cub's cage sitting on the coffee table. Their actions finally caught up to them as they realized that they had just bought a hybrid without consulting their managers. Yet, every time they looked at the sleeping hybrid, they became more unsure about their decision.
Was it a good idea? What happens if they don't have time to give it the care and attention it needed? What if they can't take care of it and have to give it away? What happens if it gets sick? Or what if their managers have them return it to that disgusting man?!
Taehyung looked in the cage and frowned, "she's been sleeping a long time... is that normal?"
Namjoon frowned and opened the cage door, as soon as the door was open, they see the tiny cub bolt out of the cage. They watch but end up jumping to their feet when the runt falls off the coffee table and lets out a small whimper.
Jin picks up the cub and frowns at how light it is. He puts it on the couch and tells the others to give her space. As they all look down at the cub, she sits there and stares back at them before her stomach growls loudly. The cub puts her ears back and looks down at her tiny paws.
They all chuckle until the doorbell rings. "Whelp, food is finally here, and about time as well." Yoongi says as he gets up and goes to the door to get their food. Jin picks up the cub and brings her into the kitchen with them.
The cub just sits there as she is being carried and doesn't move or show any sign that she is uncomfortable or not.
The boys sit down to eat and put the runt on the table. They each share their food with her, trying to get her to feel comfortable with them, but she just eats and ignores them as they eat.

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