In The Night

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Jin was cleaning up the dishes and kitchen after supper as the boys were watching TV. Y/n curled up on Hoseok's lap and fell asleep as Hoseok pet her fur. Purrs emitted from the sleeping predator making her seem even more harmless. The others couldn't help but smile as the purrs of the hybrid filled throughout the room as the TV still played.
The boys slowly started to go to bed but Hoseok stayed on the couch, not wanting to wake up the peaceful sleep of the lioness on his lap. He relaxed his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes as he started to drift off. Movement from Y/n woke him, but he stayed still with his eyes still closed. Her weight left his lap and he heard the sound of feet softly moving around the room before a blanket covered him and hands gently moved him into a more comfortable position. He tried his hardest not to smile as the hands gently laid him down on the couch, happiness filled his entire body.
"Goodnight, Hobi." A feminine voice whispered before walking off and turning out the light.
After he was sure she left, Hoseok let out one of the biggest smiles he ever made. He didn't get to see her human form, but he heard her voice and it sounded so sweet to his ears. Soft and gentle, just like her touch as she moved him into a more comfortable position. He felt ecstatic as he laid there before finally drifting off to sleep.

Y/n tossed and turned in her bed, restlessness making sleep elude her. She turned onto her side once more, hearing one of her pillows hit the floor with a soft thud. Letting out a small whine/growl, she sat up and rubbed her face with the palms of her hands. Looking at her clock the boys gave her, she sighed as it read 1:02 am.
Standing up, she walked out of her bedroom and down the hallway. Making sure her footsteps were silent as she passed the boys' rooms, she went down the stairs and into the living room. She smiled softly at the sleeping figure of Hoseok on the couch before going out the back door.
The air was chilled, signaling that the end of summer was nearing. Sitting on the edge of the deck stairs, Y/n looked up at the blank sky. How she wished she could see the stars from here, but the lights of the city made it impossible. She sat outside, her tail flicking back and forth every now and then and her ears twitching with each sound that the night gave off. Even the sound of someone waking up...

Jin woke up, he didn't know why, but he did and he couldn't fall back asleep. Sitting up, he slowly got out of the bed to go get a drink from the kitchen. He ran a hand down his face as he walked down the stairs, pausing when he sees Hoseok sleeping on the couch. Looking at his younger member, he smiled lightly before turning around and freezing in his spot. Rubbing his eyes, he looked again.
Outside, basking in the moonlight was none other than the human form of his hybrid he had longed to see. Yet now that he did, every course of action and every word seemed to flee and keep him rooted in his spot. He didn't know what to do, but he tried to move, do something.
He spun around and walked back up the stairs and into his room. Not what he expected out of himself, but what did he expect? He didn't expect to see a woman with ears and a tail sitting on the deck stairs. He was at a loss, excited yet nervous. He didn't just catch a glimpse of Y/n, he had been staring at her for a good few minutes. What would she have done if she had caught him? Did she trust him, them enough to be comfortable in her human form?
Jin laid back in bed and let out a sigh, he didn't get his drink, but he didn't want to risk going back down those stairs and getting caught by the lioness.
He sighed again, he had always thought of what he would do or say when/if he saw Y/n's human form, but it didn't prepare him for it actually happening. He would be lying if he said he wasn't happy, he was, but the surprise of seeing her seemed stronger.
A smile finally broke out on his lips as he looked up at the ceiling. Warmth spreading across his chest through the rest of his body. His body relaxed, letting him fall back asleep.

As the sun began to rise, the boys slowly started to wake up and begin their day. The hybrid in her room as she had finally caught sleep in her clutches and she was not letting go yet. Jin whistled as he made breakfast for the morning, happiness coming off of him in waves. He was always smiling in the morning, but today just seemed better.
Hoseok had woken up to the sound of Jin in the kitchen and tried to figure out why he was on the couch until everything came back to him. A smile made its way to his face as he sat up on the couch, the blanket rolling off of his shoulders and onto the couch. He stood up with a stretch and walked into the kitchen to help with breakfast.
"Good morning!" Hoseok says cheerfully, smile still etched onto his face.
Jin smiles, "good morning Hoseok!"
Namjoon walked down the stairs and into the kitchen as he watched two of his members make breakfast, smiles on both of their faces.
"Good morning." He says with a small yawn at the end.
The boys turned to him and greeted him with big smiles. Namjoon immediately understood because he had also seen and felt what they were feeling. He couldn't wait to hear what they had experienced and just smiled as the others slowly came down stairs. They decided to let Y/n sleep after Hoseok's and Jin's explanations of last night.
Leaving for work, they didn't see the female form in the window watching them leave with a smile on her face.

Sorry it took so long! I was having writers block and life issues! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

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