Is it on purpose?

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Y/n had been noticing how the boys had been acting a little differently making her slightly confused. It was as if they were hiding something from her and it was slightly bothering her. Y/n decided to stay home, thinking that maybe they were just busy and she wasn't really needed there anyway. The boys were a little upset that she wasn't coming but didn't force her. They each said their goodbyes before walking out the door. As soon as the door closed behind them, Y/n shifted.
Stretching, Y/n yawned, her canines on full display. She had the whole house to herself until they came back, now all she needed to do was find something to entertain herself with. She usually took naps in the sun, but she felt like doing something different today.
She was walking down the hallway until she saw Taehyung's door was still open. Walking in, she saw a scrapbook on the bed and immediately became curious. Jumping on Taehyung's bed, she opened the book and smiled as her tail flicked with happiness.
The scrapbook was of all the pictures they took of her and together with her. She looked through all the memories that were in the scrapbook, a small smile etched on her face.
Grabbing the scrapbook, she went down to the main room and sat on the floor in the sun. No one had ever made a picture book about her before or even put in the effort to make a scrapbook. So this was on a whole other level of happiness in her.
Y/n sprawled out in the sunlight as she went through the book once again. Her tail flicking back and forth on the ground as her ears twitched slightly. She stopped flipping the pages and laid there, deep in thought before smiling a little to herself.

The boys were taking a break from recording and were all missing their hybrid.
"Do you think we were being too obvious?" Namjoon asked.
"Possibly... we all got really excited when you and Jimin caught glances of Y/n in human form that it might have been showing through to her." Jungkook says as he looks up from his phone.
"But what if she got the wrong idea?" Taehyung asked as he looked through the pictures on his camera.
"I doubt it," Hoseok replies.
"Our sweet girl probably just needed some time off from traveling back and forth. She's been taking a lot of naps lately." Jin says.
"What's wrong with taking naps?" Yoongi questions as he opens one of his eyes.
"We'll not everyone is like an old grandpa like you." Jin retorts with a smile.
"Yah! What did I do to you?" Yoongi asks as the others laugh.
"Maybe she's been hanging out with you too much, hyung." Jimin chuckled.
"Let's get back to work so we can go home at a decent time today." Namjoon says as he turns back to the recording setup while Hoseok replays some of the recordings.
The boys agree in their own way and start to get back to work. Everyone was eager to get home and be welcomed by their hybrid.

Taehyung finished his work a little earlier than the others and decided to go home first. He wanted to continue working on his scrapbook he was making. He wanted to continue it throughout the years they would have Y/n, all the memories that he wanted to cherish.
Getting dropped off at the house, he walks up but stops when he sees a figure of a woman resting against the window frame in his room. On closer inspection, he saw ears on top her head which swerved his way before the woman's figure disappeared and Y/n's lioness form popped into the window.
Taehyung couldn't help but smile as she began chuffing and he heard her bounding down the stairs. He opened the door and looked up to see her slow down her running so she didn't tackle him. A loud purr escaped her chest as Taehyung scratched behind her ear.
"What have you been up to? Did you get into any trouble?" Taehyung asked as she shook her head.
Taehyung laughed and stood up before stopping when he saw his scrapbook on the couch. He honestly wanted it to be a surprise for Y/n, but one look at Y/n's eyes, he couldn't get upset with her about it.
"I see you found my surprise." He says with a chuckle.
Y/n's ears go back as she realizes that she wasn't supposed to look at it yet. She crouches down as her tail wraps around her hind legs.
"It's fine, I'm not upset with you. You didn't know." Taehyung said as he walked back to his room.
Y/n stayed behind in the main area, waiting for the others. She felt bad about ruining her own surprise, but she really liked it and maybe even made her mind up about something else...
She sat near the door, watching it patiently for the others to come back. Her tail swayed back and forth as she saw the door nob turn and the scent of her owners fill her nostrils. She had never felt so excited to see someone in her entire life, let alone seven boys.
The boys saw her and immediately started smiling as they greeted her with hugs, pets, and ear scratches. They were so happy to see her and were so happy to see her warm up even more that she had waited for them.
"Oh, you guys are back." Taehyung says as he walks down the stairs. "Y/n, can you please go get my scrapbook from my room?"
Y/n bounds off up the stairs as the others look after her.
"I saw."
All of the boys heads snap towards Taehyung. He had his boxy smile on his face as he looked at the others.
"Did she see you?"
Questions were thrown at Taehyung who quickly hushed the others. He looked towards the stairs before looking back at his band members.
"I saw her leaning against the window frame when I got home, the curtains didn't give away much detail, so I didn't get a good look." Taehyung says.
The boys whisper excitedly unknowingly about the female figure on top of the stairs sitting as she smiles, her ears twitching on top her head.

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