Sleeping Buddy

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Y/n sat on the couch, the blanket Hoseok had used that night wrapped around her body as she watched TV. She didn't know what to do today, usually she went with the boys but they didn't wake her up this morning. She had watched them leave from Jimin's room, a smile on her face at their happy faces. Just thinking about it, her ears did a little wiggle and her tail curled.
Getting up from the couch, she walked into the kitchen, deciding to look around, maybe even read some of Jin's cookbooks! That got her excited as she started climbing onto the counter to look through the many cabinets in hopes of finding the books.
Humming a song she had heard the boys work on, she opened the cabinet door above the oven and smiled when she found the books. Grabbing two, she jumped down and walked to Yoongi's room to start reading. She had always found his bed really soft and comfortable, so she always snuck in to take naps or just to lay somewhere comfortable. Not that Yoongi minded, he had actually found her sleeping on his bed in her animal form multiple times and just crawled into the bed to join in on the nap.
A small smile finding it's way to her lips as she thought about it. These owners never pushed her away or forced her to do things she didn't want to do, instead they were patient and kind. They gave her the love she didn't even know she needed.
She sprawled out on Yoongi's bed as she started reading the books she took from the kitchen. Reading recipe after recipe, deciding to try and make some of these things when she felt more confident in herself.
She wanted to show her owners her human form, she felt comfortable around them, she really did! It was more of a confidence issue. Sure she could fake having confidence, but she wanted to take her time and make sure she was ready and confident in her decision.
Shutting the books, she decided to put them in her room on the bookshelf. A few books that she had taken from Namjoon's room were sitting on the bookshelf as well. She turned to the closet, which really consisted of the shirts and sweatshirts that she "borrowed" from the boys. Pulling Taehyung's shirt over her head and onto her body, she decided to go back to take a nap on Yoongi's bed.
Grabbing the blanket she took from Jungkook's room, she walked back into Yoongi's room and put the blanket on the bed before shifting into her animal form to take a nap.

Yoongi was tired. He always felt tired. He had the ability to fall asleep anywhere if he really wanted to. But his favorite place to nap? It would be in his bed with the lioness cuddled up next to him. And that's exactly what he wanted to do now. But his work demanded his attention and time.
The boys were still going over the song that they were working on the day before, but they always seemed to find a way to talk about Y/n and her recent form shiftings. Not that Yoongi minded, he loved talking about his oversized house cat, but he also wanted to get the work done so he could go cuddle with said oversized house cat.
"Can we please finish this? I want to take a nap." Yoongi says, trying to bring the members attention back to their work.
"Jealous that you haven't seen her in her human form, hyung?" Jimin teased with his crescent eye smile.
"No." Yoongi says. He wasn't, he might be a little envious of them but he also knew that his time would come eventually. "I just want the day to end."
"I agree with Yoongi Hyung, we should probably stop talking about Y/n and focus more on our work." Namjoon says.

Three long hours later, the boys finally go home. Opening the door, they notice Y/n isn't waiting for them. That usually meant that she was taking a nap in someone's room, or she was in the backyard lounging around.
Taking off their shoes, they slipped on their slippers and started to do their own thing. Yoongi made a beeline for his room, wanting to go take a nap. Opening the door, a smile spread across his face. Curled up on his bed, was none other than the lioness that had become his napping buddy.
Going into his bathroom, Yoongi changes into more comfortable clothing before going to his bed. The warmth the oversized cat gave off immediately made Yoongi want to fall into her fur and just sleep. Pulling the blanket over his body, Yoongi slowly drifted to sleep, but smiled when he felt the weight of Y/n's head on his stomach. His hand absentmindedly ran through her fur before he drifted off.

Somewhere during the night, Y/n had shifted into her human form and got under the blankets to keep herself warm. Her head rested on Yoongi's chest as she drifted back to sleep, knowing that Yoongi wouldn't wake up for a while. A smile spread across her lips as sleep consumed her.

Yoongi stirred awake and felt as if something was off. Looking down, his breath caught. He had expected to see fur, not hair. There, sleeping peacefully on his chest was a girl with ears atop her head that twitched in her sleep.
To say he was happy was an understatement, he was ecstatic, over the moon. His cuddle buddy was in her human form sleeping peacefully and he got to witness something his members didn't. It was special and he kept it close to his heart.
Closing his eyes, a gummy smile spread across his face before falling back asleep. His heart felt light as warmth spread through his body.

Yoongi woke again to a cold wet nose nudging his face. Opening his eyes, he was met with a lioness standing on his bed, looking down at him.
"Did you have to wake me up?" He asked as a yawn escaped him.
Y/n chuffed her answer before jumping off the bed and looking at him. Today was one of the scarce days off for them, and Y/n intended to make sure she spent time with everyone and make sure they were awake.
Yoongi got up and started petting her behind her ears as a purr erupted from her chest, her head leaning into his hand. Yoongi smiled, thinking about earlier that morning. He felt happiness on a whole other level.

Surprise!!!!! I felt inspired so here ya go!! It's also an apology for taking so long in writing and publishing!🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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