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Namjoon's POV!!!

I walked out of Big Hit with a relieved face. Our managers were willing to let us keep the hybrid, but on one condition: if the hybrid was to ever hurt one of us, she was to be gotten rid of immediately. But taking into consideration that she was a cub and a runt, they said IF she got older is when the condition took place.
I entered the van and saw Hoseok holding the hybrid cub. I sit down and tell them what our managers told me. They were excited to keep her, but was a little put off about the condition. The hybrid just looked at us before curling up in ball and closing her eyes.
It made me uncomfortable about how nonchalant she was about it. It was as if she was so used to being given up, abandoned, unwanted... I look at the cub and realized, maybe that is what happened, maybe she is so used to being let down and unloved that she doesn't expect anything from anyone.
I took the cub from Hoseok and hugged her. The cub looked up at me, sensing my change in mood and put her paw on my chest. I gave her a sad smile and stroked her fur. She looked up at me and rested her head on my chest as well.

Yoongi's POV!!!

I looked over and internally cooed at the sleeping cub in my leader's arms. She had unconsciously cuddled closer to Namjoon for warmth and he had a small smile on his face. I wasn't blind to her lack of reactions on things and it really rubbed me wrong. I don't know what that cub went through, but I'll make sure she doesn't go back to it.

We arrived at the H.A.S.C. (Hybrid Adoption and Shelter Center) and all got out. Namjoon gave me the cub gently, as to not wake her up. We walked in and frowned at how empty it looked. The woman at the front desk smiled and did a slight bow at us.
"Hello! You must be BTS, you manager called saying that you would be here so we are closed to the public for a while." The woman looked down at the cub and I noticed her smile falter.
I looked down at the cub and saw her awake, staring at the woman with no emotions in her eyes. The woman cleared her throat before coming from behind the desk.
"Your managers also said to let you guys look at other hybrids in case you change your mind about that one," she said, clearly uncomfortable under the cub's unwavering gaze.
We followed her to the back, though I don't think we would get a new hybrid. The woman stopped at a door and looked at me, "you might want to leave her here, other hybrids don't do well with runts or weaker hybrids."
I looked at the cub who looked unbothered by the woman's words. I shook my head and held onto the cub a little tighter, making it look up at me for a second. The woman sighed before opening the door. We walked in and suddenly all eyes went to the cub in my arms.
Growls, hisses, and any other hostile noises came from the hybrids as it looked like they wanted to hurt the cub. The cub stayed stoical through it all, unaffected by the hatred towards her.
"Why do they act so hostile towards something so weak?" Taehyung asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.
"Hybrids are still like animals, they never accept those who are weaker than them or are possibly failure to strive," the woman said, almost as if it was an obvious answer. "This is why I said you should have left the runt at the door. It just sends the others on edge."
"Well, we don't want a different hybrid, we came to adopt this one and we are sticking to our decision. Now, if you could please take us back to fill out the paperwork, we have a lot of stuff to do today," I said, slightly annoyed that they were trying to make us get rid of this ball of fur.
The woman nodded and took us back to the front desk. She got on her computer and started typing some things in. She paused and looked at us before turning to us, "have you thought of a name to give your... hybrid?"
I frowned at her hesitation, but soon stopped when the woman gulped at the hard stare from the cub in my arms. I did all I could to keep from smiling at the cub.
"Um, how about... Y/n?" Hoseok asked, looking at us for approval. Everyone nodded and the woman quickly turned around and typed in the name. She did some more stuff on the computer before slowly turning to the hybrid.
"Alright Y/n, I'm gonna have to ask you some questions..." the woman said slowly. The cub squirmed in my arms until I put her on the desk. Y/n went over to the computer and looked at the screen. She was very cautious of not letting us see her answers to the questions. I was confused, but turned my head in respect of her decision.

Y/n's POV!!!

Age: 19
Birth date: September 23, 1997
Gender: Female
Hybrid type: Lioness

The woman looked at me in confusion about my age but I just stared right back until she looked away. She continued to fill out stuff on the computer until she printed out the paperwork.
I turned and sat on the desk until hands came and picked me up gently. I turned my head and saw the man with chubby cheeks and the shortest of the bunch. I let myself relax in his arms as they signed the paperwork to adopt me.
"Wait a minute, this says she's 19, but why is she still a cub?"
The woman looked at me with a frown before looking back at the man who usually had a smile on his face. "Hybrids that haven't been treated right are more likely to stay in their young animal forms while their human body tends to grow the normal way. So my guess is that your runt didn't get the treatment she needed. Therefore, her staying as a cub."
I glowered at the woman before huffing and turning away from them. I don't need their pity, it just makes me feel more weaker than I am.
After they filled out the paperwork, my new owners took me back to their house, my new "home".

BTS age

Jin: 23

Yoongi: 22

Namjoon: 21

Hoseok: 21

Jimin: 20

Taehyung: 20

Jungkook: 19

I kinda made Jungkook older so there wasn't a HUGE age gap...

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