Cold act

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Y/n's POV!!!

I sit on the floor as my new owners try to get me to play with them. I stare at them and turn my head to the side, away from the faces of my owners. I get up and wobble over to the couch, I look up at it and internally frown. I then crouch down on my belly and squeeze under the couch. I stay there as I listen to my new owners.
"She doesn't seem very sociable..."
"Well I wouldn't either if I came from a sketchy man like that! Just give her some time."
"Should we tell our managers? Or should we wait?"
"We'll tell them tomorrow, right now I want to sleep."
"You alway do hyung."
"Yoongi is right, we should head off to bed."
"What about her?"
"She seems comfortable down there for now."

The boys leave and I crawl out from under the couch. I look up the stairs as the boys disappear from my sight. Letting out a sigh, I shift to my human form. I stretch my muscles and yawn. I don't know if they are planning to keep me or not, but it's best not to get attached to them in case they send me away.
I stand up and start to roam around the main floor. You can learn a lot about someone by the way the main areas of the house are. Pictures of my owners decorate the wall, music albums are on stands like decorations, and music awards are on a shelf. I skim through them, honestly amazed at there success.
My lips go into a frown and turn away from the shelves. I continue roaming around until I hear something upstairs. Listening closely, I hear a door open and footsteps coming downstairs. I quickly shift back into my cub form and squint my eyes when the light is turned on.
I look up to see the guy with a freckle under his nose. I sit there as I watch him get a glass of water. My throat suddenly reminds me that I need water.
Why couldn't it have been when I was roaming around? Why now?! I let out a small noise in annoyance and freeze when the guy turns around. He smiles and picks me up off the floor. I don't struggle as he picks me up, but I don't particularly like being picked up either.
"You must be thirsty, here have the rest of my water."
I looked up at the man and slowly went to drink. The man smiles and I can hear him quietly coo at me. I finished the drink and expected him to put me down, but instead he continued to hold me as he turned out the lights and went up to his room.
He puts me down on his bed and my eyes widened, this was the most comfortable thing I have ever been on. Getting caught up in how comfortable the mattress is, I bury myself into it and let out a quiet purr.
"Aw~! You're adorable!" the man coos.
I stop purring and look wide eyed at him before turning my back to him. I stay quiet, but I'm enjoying the comfort of an actual bed for the first time.

Jin's POV!!!

I woke up a little bit after sunrise and went downstairs. I looked under the couch but frowned when I didn't see a small lion runt. I continued to look for the cub until I decided to check the boys' rooms. I couldn't find her, but had accidentally woke up everyone else. We arrived at Taehyung's room and smiled when we saw the cub on the corner of Taehyung's bed, sleeping soundly.
Taehyung woke up and looked confused when he saw us. I silently pointed to our new hybrid and his eyes widened in understanding. Tae went to get up, but his blanket was caught on his foot (has that ever happened to anyone else? It's so annoying 🙃) and had moved the cub. The cub woke up and looked at us before furrowing her brows and turning her back to us.
I frown a little and so do the others. Hoseok looks at us and clears his throat, "shouldn't we go and get an official adoption papers for our hybrid?"
I noticed that the cub's little ear twitched at the word "adoption" but still didn't turn to face us. I nod with the others before going downstairs to start breakfast. Namjoon picked up the cub and we heard a grunt from her.
Her ears were laid back as her eyes were still closed. We laughed as she reminded us of Yoongi when he's tired.

After breakfast, we started getting ready to go and get the adoption papers after going to go talk with our managers. We were nervous about having to give up the cub, but the cub seemed to not care what was going on.
Jungkook picked up the cub and we made our way to the black van. The driver eyed the cub with a look of uncertainty and distaste. The cub stared right back at the driver and I noticed him getting uncomfortable.
"I hope that isn't a hybrid your holding there, Jungkook," the driver said as we made our way to Big Hit Ent. We all looked at each other and frowned.
"In fact, she is a hybrid. I don't see anything wrong with that," I say, as the driver shakes his head.
"Those things are not safe, they're mysterious. They can be all nice and sweet one moment, then feral the next. I think you should just ditch that runt on the side of the road. Not like it's gonna live long anyway."
We all fell quiet, we knew runts didn't live long, but we were still going to try and help it. I looked over to see Jungkook's face buried in the cub's body. The cub looked at him confused, but I smiled when she subtly put her paw on his hand.

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