Chapter 2

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                   Gabriella was relieved she didn't have to hide her intense nicotine addiction from her dad. The whole 15 hour drive was spent singing along to old Spanish music and chain smoking cigarettes.

They were only 15 minutes away when Gabby grabbed another cigarette, the second to last one in the last pack they had. She would be sure to get her dad a carton for allowing her to smoke so many of his with no complaints.

"Antonio, we will be there in about 15. Will you go make sure the doors unlocked?" She gave her dad a questioning look. This was the first time she'd heard him mention anything about an Antonio.

"Who's, Antonio?" She questioned taking another drag of the cigarette in her hand once he had hung up. "He's one of my guys, him and his sister hang around our house a lot since they don't really have anyone." He explained and she nodded.

As promised after 15 minutes they were pulling up to the small run down house. She couldn't help but smile, it was bigger than the small one bedroom house she shared with her mother, she would even get her own room here instead of sleeping on the couch or the floor.

"El Diablo, need some help unloading the truck?" A guy called from across the street making Gabby look over to a bunch of men sitting on a couch in the front yard.

"That would be helpful, thanks guys." Her dad spoke flatly before turning on his heels and walking up to the house. Gabby followed behind him, smashing the cigarette out before she stepped in the house.

Two people sat on the couch, a girl no older than Gabby and the boy she assumed was Antonio. They both sat on the couch with the TV playing. "Antonio, Andrea this is Gabriella." David said, introducing his daughter to the two other kids he considered his own.

"Hola, Gabriella." The girl smiled sending her a small wave so she returned the favor. "Please call me Gabby." She smiled before turning to see a few different men coming in with arms full of boxes and putting them down in the living room.

Thankfully she didn't have much stuff, mainly clothes and other items she bought for around the house, including the 55in flat screen she had bought for their living room. No way in hell was she letting her mother keep that.

"Guys, this is Gabby." Her father introduced her again, this time she was thankful she didn't have to be called Gabriella.

"Hey, I'm Spooky, this is Vincent, Martin and Diego." He sent her a small smile and the other guys waved so she did the same. She always felt so awkward meeting new people.

Spooky was good looking, usually cholos weren't her type but something about those black shorts and a gray T-shirt had her blushing.

David waved her down the hall and opening the door to a large bedroom. A full sized mattress laid in the corner along with a white desk and a white dresser. The guys followed behind them and started to fill her room with the various boxes.

"We still have to go to the store so we can get whatever you will need for your room." She smiled appreciatively at her dad. She was feeling all emotional and sentimental that she finally would have her own space. Her own life at that.

"Thank you, for everything already." She spoke softly sending a small smile towards her father who pulled her into his side.

"Come on, all the guys are coming over for a cookout later so we should head to the store." She nodded, "I just need to change out of these clothes and shower, is that okay?" She asked and her father nodded.

"Mija, this is your house now, you don't have to ask me permission to shower or any of that." She nodded awkwardly in response before grabbing a pair of shorts and a shirt.

After showering she quickly changed and ran a brush through her long black hair. She adjusted the shifted jewelry on her face before stepping out of the bathroom.

Antonio, Vincent and Andrea were still sat on the couch. Call of Dity now being played on the fairly small TV.

"You guys can hook this up in here if you want?" She said pointing over the the large flat screen that sat in a box to make it more secure for travel.

She pulled the box apart but her father interjected, "don't be silly, that's your TV it can go in your room." She shook her head, "it's alright. I don't usually watch a lot of TV so it can just go out here." She sent a reassuring smile and nod at her dad, not giving him a chance to argue with her.

"Spooky took the moving truck back so we don't have to worry about that. Antonio, Andrea come on." Her dad nodded towards the front door so the three kids followed him out of the house.

Antonio and Andrea where the closest thing he had to family. He looked after them as if they were his own and he was more than happy he had all his niños together. A year ago when they started the custody battle with his ex baby mama, Antonio and Andrea where there with him every step of the way, excited to finally meet the spawn of literally the devil himself. The whole gang was excited to see the only blood El Diablo ever spoke of.

Gabby allowed Antonio to sit in the front seat, even if he insisted it be her. She sat comfortably in the back with Andrea.

"We're so excited to finally meet you, David talks about you all the time. When he finally-" Andrea started but judging by the look Antonio gave her she knew she wasn't supposed to be talking about it. Andrea snapped her mouth shut before looking over at the girl awkwardly.

"Anyways, we're just really excited to finally meet you. Your dads really happy to have you here" Gabby nodded, "I excited to be here and to get to know you guys."

David joined them a few minutes later, his face was red and he looked pissed. "We have to deal with something before we can go anywhere." He said flatly, something she noticed was very frequent since they got back.

Her dad was almost scary when he spoke like that. She knew he was El Diablo to the Santos but she didn't quite understand the extent of what her father was really in charge of when it came to the gang life.

He peeled out of the driveway before stopping a few houses down and making his way to the back yard. After a few seconds he came back out of the front door of the small house with a brown sack in hand.

He handed it to Antonio as he got in the car and Antonio placed it in the glove box. As curious as Gabby wanted to be she kept her attention out the window, figuring it would be best to leave the questions for another day. She just got here and things already seemed tense.

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