1. Jolene

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"Jolene! Jolene! Jo-"

"Stop yelling im right here." Jolene sassed.

"We are going to be late."

"Blah, blah, blah. Thats all I hear when you complain." Jolene corrected her eldest brother Brandon.

"Father is never going to marry you off." Brandon decided. "Every man will flee from you Jo Jo." He teased.

"Then maybe I find a woman." Jolene countered and Brandon opened his mouth wordlessly staring back at her. A rose a bushy brow but Jolene chuckled crossing her arms over her chest.

"Dont let father hear you talking like that." Brandon finally decided on.

"Why?" Jolene countered. "You would think its very sexy..." she put her hands on his chest leaning into him.

"Maybe if you werent my sister." Brandon corrected as he kissed her forehead. She chuckled into him as he hugged her.

"You're thinking about it." Jolene laughed out.

"You put it in my head you twat!" Brandon declared. Jolene laughed out as she moved to get her cloak. "Damnit Jolene!"

"Whats wrong?" Ned questioned looking between them.

"Brandon is having unpure thoughts." Jolene offered.

"Fuck off." Brandon hissed.

"Im sure he has many unpure thoughts." Ned assured.

"You wouldnt be laughing if you knew what Jolene put in my head." Brandon countered.

"JoJo! What are you telling him?" Ned questioned.

Jolene was two years younger than Brandon and a year older than Ned and being the only girl in the family of all boys Jolene was their favorite. She wasnt like the typical girl she loved riding and hunting, she loved fighting was excellent with the bow and arrow. But her favorite thing was tormenting her brothers.

"Benjen!" Jolene called out. "Come on we are going to be late."

"Coming coming Im coming!" Benjens little voice rang out as he ran down the hall. "Dont leave without me!"

"Too late already gone." Jolene offered and Benjen scrunched up his face at her. "Oh what do you know we are still here." Benjen laughed out as Jolene fixed his laces.

"Alright be careful be safe. I love you all." Rickard told his children as they headed out. "And remember-"

"Jolenes in charge." Benjen declared and Brandon scoffed.

"Im the eldest." Brandon declared

"From the mouths of babes." Jolene corrected as she helped Benjen up on his horse.

"Im the eldest." Brandon repeated.

"Keep saying it. It doesnt change the fact that Jolene is in charge." Rickard agreed. "Have fun."

"Always do." Jolene assured.

"And Brandon..." rickard added softly. "If you happen to find a good match for Jolene.. someone that she gravitates towards. Do let me know."

"Ha!" Brandon laughed out. "She would kill me. You are on your own pops."

"Do you think the Martells will be there?" Ned pondered.

"They better be. I miss Elia I havent seen her in ages. She has a baby now too that I still havent met!" Jolene declared.

"You going to kiss her husband again?" Brandon questioned and Neds eyes went wide.

"Jolene hes the prince!" Ned declared

"It was harmless fun." Jolene countered. "We drank too much and-" she hummed happily to herself. "He was a good kisser. I bet hes a great fuck too."



Rhaegar ^ 😍

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Rhaegar ^ 😍

Elia Martell ^ 🥰

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Elia Martell ^ 🥰

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