13. Snow? Stark? Targaryen?

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Elia Martell lost her husband, her children and her best friend. But she escaped with her life and the life of A baby boy. Born of Rhaegars seed but not her womb but she was going to love this baby as thought it were her own.

Ned Stark knew the truth behind the babe and although he wanted to keep the boy as a last memory of his sister Jolene, Ned knew Elia lost more and needed the baby to get through.

"Jon, after Jolene." Elia rasped.

"Jon." Ned agreed. "Snow? Stark? Targaryen?"

"Martell," Elia corrected. "Jon Martell... Jon Sand..." she rasped debating, a heavy sigh took over her as she looked down at little Jon. 

"You dont have to do this alone." Ned assured her.

"I wont be. I will go home. I will go back to sunspear and my family will be there for me and this baby. My baby." Elia whispered.

"He wont be safe as Targaryen if anyone knew-"

"They wont." Elia assured him. "I loved your sister as I loved my husband... I will protect this piece of them with my life." 

Want more? Check out Hands to Myself / Ned / Jon / Elia in the sequel 

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