3. Ravish Him

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"Elia? Are you joining us?" Rhaegar questioned.

"Tomorrow". She offered. "Im tired but happy to watch." She assured leaning back on the couch as Rhaegar fumbled with Jolenes clothes.

"You sure?" Jolene countered.

"I might change my mind. Dont jump if you feel an extra set of hands on you." Elia agreed smiling back at them.

It was fast and messy a mix of moans and screams. The craving and the withdrawal of him on her tongue again.

Ned and Brandon were a mess looking around for Jolene the next morning. SHe hadnt come back and they feared the worst. 

But then they heard he laughing out with Rhaegar and Elia by the buffet line. Benjen ran to her she snuggled him to her. 

"You sleep good?" Jolene questioned. 

"Not really. Brandon snores." Benjen remarked. 

"I didnt get a lot of sleep either, Rhaegar kept me up all night." Jolene agreed smiling back at him. 

"You liked it." Rhaegar corrected. 

"I'm not complaining." Jolene assured with a wink. 

"Where the hell were you?" Brandon demanded. 

"Manners." Jolene corrected loudly as she gestured to Elia and Rhaegar. 

"Hello my prince, princess." Brandon offered through a tight lip.  Jolene rolled her eyes. 

"I was perfectly safe and you know it." Jolene declared. 

"I should start getting ready." Rhaegar remarked giving Elia a kiss. "Jolene, I will see you after." Rhaegar remarked kissing her cheek as well. 

"I'm not going anywhere." JOlene agreed. Ned didnt like the way jolene looked at Rhaegar, she was best friends with Elia and yet look at Rhaegar like he was her next meal. Like she wanted to ravish him.  That could only end in trouble. 


Rhaegar was getting ready for the tourney, Jolene was bored, everyone was doting over Elia and her babies and yes they were dote worthy but that left Jolene to find trouble herself. Jolene was exploring the ground when they came across a boy about Neds age, being tormented by squires of all people. Jolene jumped forward sending an elbow back to the first man. 

"Whats going on here?" Jolene demanded. 

"Back off bitch this doesnt concern you." 

"Well now you offended me." Jolene sassed. She kicked the legs out from the second man and brought her blade to the neck of the third and final man tormenting a nervous boy with his hands raised in surrender on the ground at her feet. 

'You're bluffing!' the man shouted.

'I think you would best rethink that statement when it is I that has a blade to your throat!' Jolene countered.

'You are a Stark." he remarked looking at the wolf emblem on her jacket. 

"You want to find out if my bark is worse than my bite?" SHe pondered. He looked to the cowering boy on the ground. 

"Sorry man." He offered awkwardly. "Didnt know you had an attack dog."

"Get the fuck out.' Jolene demanded as she lowered her blade from his throat. 

'Sorry right...' he murmured running off as Jolene helped the young man up.

"I'm Howland Reed." He remarked smiling back at her . "Thank you for... helping. I greatly appreciate the help... I'm sorry you probably want to get to the tournament."

"Clumsy fool you are Reed." Jolene declared, "what were they picking on you about?" 

"Who knows?" Howland remarked with a shrug. "But I'm sure a beautiful lady like yourself has a man waiting for her, hates me stealing you away." Howland offered curiously.

"No, just my brothers and the man I have my eye on is competing and my brothers are used to me getting side tracked by wounded birds." Jolene remarked.

"Birds? Am I a bird?" Howland pondered. "I might as well be, having a gorgeous woman saving my sorry ass." he declared. "And I'm grateful for it." JOlene chuckled looking Howland over though, "I never did get your name pretty lady." Howland remarked. "Stark was it?" 

"Yep, JOlene Stark, the best of the Starks if you ask me." Jolene agreed. 

"And if I ask your brother?" He mused. 

"As Ned, he will say the same." Jolene remarked fondly.  "I like you Reed, come sit with my brothers and I." Jolene declared hooking her arm with him. "Come on Reed, you are hopeless without me."

"Yes Ma'am." Howland agreed. 

"Ned, this is my wounded bird Howland Reed." JOlene remarked. "Do not let him get beat up while I track down some popped corn for Benjen." 

Long Live // Rhaegar Targaryen // Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now