5. Salty Kisses

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Rhaegar's and Jolenes public relationship began at the Tourney of Harrenhal. Since Jolene was engaged to Robert Baratheon whom she was disgusted by but no one seemed to take her preference of husband in mind when setting up unions, all the same Rhaegars acts were seen as most disrespectful to Robert. The tournament was beginning but Jolene had long since caught the eye of the mad kings son. 

The news of Rhaegars actions spread worse than wildfire though and Robert was soon in a fit about it. His bride to be was receiving flower crowns from other men! Scandalous. 

"Rhaegar! People are going to talk now!" Jolene informed him sternly.

"Its hard to take you seriously when you are naked in my bed." Rhaegar countered.

"Rhaegar! You should have given it to Elia."

"She knows I love you. Elia loves you too." Rhaegar reminded her.

"Thats not the point." Jolene corrected. "You made a show of it."

"And yet you will keep that flower crown until it is withered and the petals falling away from the stems because you liked it, you like all eyes on you." 

"I dont need a crown to get all eyes on me." Jolene corrected. 

"Where are you going?" Rhaegar questioned reaching for her as she got up. She spun the flower crown around her wrist but his eyes were not on her wrist, they were focused on the curve of her ass, the delicate slope of her breasts, the sway of her hips as she moved across the room. 

"The true beauty!" Jolene declared proudly putting the crown on Elia's hand. She did the princess wave, so proper for them. 

"Thank you, thank you, I would like to thank Jolene and not my husband because rhaegar is Rhaegar and Jolene... is Jolene!" Elia purred. 

"Thank you!" Jolene pointed a dramatic finger at her friend. "When are you going to join us Elia?" Jolene questioned. Elia reached out pulling Jolene to her. 

Their mouths crashed. Elia didn't give her another chance to speak or even form a coherent thought. Moisture pooled between Elia's own legs until she felt it drip like lava down her thigh. Her legs pressed together. Jolene slid two fingers between her wet folds, stopping her motion. She moaned while Jolene pressed her body firm to Elia's, as if she wanted to feel her sounds vibrate between them. The only thing sexier than Jolene —Jolene was basically everything that could possibly be sexy— was her physical desire for them. 

"You are killing me." Rhaegar remarked as he poured them all another glass of wine. "Killing me." Jolene pulled away licking Elia from her lips before turning to Aegon. 

"Hello cutie!" Jolene coed. 

"Careful with those tits he is going to want a snack Jolene." Elia warned. 

"These bobbies dont work, I'm sorry honey." Jolene remarked as he slapped at her chest. "I guess thats what I get for walking around naked."

"I like the show." Rhaegar assured. She turned around to see him sitting back legs spread wide cock at the ready. "You like the show?" 

"I like." Jolene agreed. 


"Hey, where do you keep running off to?" Ned questioned. Jolene's gaze shifted to Elia and Rhaegar. "It's not cool what he did to his wife." 

"I was talking with them, making sure Elia was okay." Jolene offered. "I even crowned her myself. She isnt mad, said she would have crowned me too." 

"Robert isnt going to be happy." Ned offered. 

"Fuck your friend, he's a twat."

"And Rhaegar isnt?" Ned whisper shouted. 

"No, I mean he is but-" Jolene shrugged as she took a bite of blackened bacon. 

"What's your deal with them?"

"They are my friends, you like Elia." 

"Yeah, shes cute." Ned offered confused. Jolene rolled her eyes. "SHe's your friend, I just didnt think most women would be okay with their husband being so chummy with another woman." Ned offered. 

"Elia is confident in herself and her sexiness." JOlene assured. "Also, we are just friends." with benefits... Jolene offered a coy smile. 

"I dont think I would like it if my wife was chummy with Brandon." Ned offered. 

"Because Brandon would be fucking your theoretical wife." Jolene agreed. 

"Wow, thank you now I have that picture in my head." Ned offered. "You thought of that really fast." 

"Yeah, because Brandon is Brandon and he would. Just to piss you off." Jolene agreed. 

"I'm never getting married." Ned decided. 

"Probably smart, I'm planning on getting my union to Robert voided." 

"What? Why?"

"He's your friend and a man whore." Jolene answered, Ned opened his mouth to object but Jolene raised a finger. "No, no, no, you can't lie to me because he fucks anything with a cunt. I will not just be another one of his conquests." 

"He is smitten with you." Ned offered. 

"Of course he is but for how long before he finds another woman and another and has a million bastards running around?" Jolene corrected. 

"Father wont like it." Ned remarked. 

"Yeah, one day I'm just going to up and disappear and you will know that I found a man that treats me right." 

Ned stared back at her and he believed her when she said it. That one day she would just be gone. Jolene smiled back at him giving him a salty kiss on the cheek. 

"You can tell father not to worry, may Jolene live long and in love across the narrow sea, may her days be filled with love and joy." 

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