7. Delicately Break His Heart

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Jolene was avoiding Robert. Of course she was. Her father had met them at the Storms end and he was excited to get things started with Robert and Jolene. Jolene was going to put an end to it. How to break both their hearts delicately. 

"I'm going to say hello to Lord Stannis." Ned remarked he look to Jolene. "You want to say hello to your future brother in law?"

"Nope." Jolene said plopping down next to Brandon. "Because I dont have a future brother in law."

"Jolene, Jolene, Jole- le- le-Leeeeeenaaaa!" Ned declared reaching for her.

"You are so dramatic." Jolene informed him. "YOu know that right?"

"I got your flare for dramatics then." Ned agreed. "Come on, just meet him, talk to Robert, I'm sure he is around here."  Ned offered looking around.

"ANd I'm sure he is fucking his way through the party as we speak." Jolene corrected. 

"No, he likes you. This is your engagement party." Ned corrected. "Brandon back me up." 

"I saw him with his tongue down some girl with a fish emblems throat.... what is that? Tully?" Brandon pondered. 

"See Ned. You see?" Jolene agreed. "Maybe I find a handsome lad to shove my tongue- Elia!" 

"That doesnt make sense." Brandon remarked before seeing Elia. "What are they doing here?" 

"I invited them. Obviously."  Jolene remarked. 

"I'm going to find your betrothed." Ned remarked. "Dont move." 

"Im going to say hello Elia." Jolene countered. 

"Jolene!" Elia declared. 

"Goodness, this baby grew already!" Jolene declared picking up Rhaenys. 

"She was talking the whole way here, Lena, Lena, Lena," elia agreed kissing her cheeks. 

"You said Lena? You miss your auntie Jolene?" Jolene coed kissing Rhaenys little face. 

"Rhaegar is harassing your future husband." Elia added softly. 

"Husband, pft." Jolene countered. "Fuck him." 

"Robert." Rhaegar declared and he pulled off the woman he was groping. 

"What do you-" Robert huffed a breath when he saw who it was. "Prince Rhaegar." Robert offered sharply. Robert was a catch, he was handsome, he was tall, he was skilled and every maiden was ready to strip for him, every maiden except his bride to be. 

"My Jolene deserves better than you." Rhaegar declared. 

"Yours is she?" Robert slapped the girls ass sending her off, Rhaegar rose a brow watching her run off giggling. 

"I treat her better than you, that I am confident in." Rhaegar agreed. 

"You know, you pompous princely ferret face, I heard what you did, I heard you deemed MY Jolene the most beautiful and all that gypsy shit titles." Robert barked. "I'm sure your wife enjoyed you flirting with another woman, out in the open." 

"We had a talk, Jolene crowned Elia that night, it was beautiful." Rhaegar corrected. 

"You dont hear me, Jolene is my wife, not yours." 

"She is not yours, she is not your wife and she doesnt want to be your wife." Rhaegar corrected calmly.  Robert scoffed shaking his head. 

"And you are delusional." 

"You love her- or what you deem as love- more than she will ever love you or like you. You are not worthy of my Jolene." Rhaegar informed him possessively. 

"Robert-" Ned stopped himself. "My prince..." 

"I'm about to bash the princes teeth in, best get his body guard so he survives this." Robert growled back. Rhaegar had the nerve to chuckle. 

"I would go up against you, but it is no challenge." 

"Fuck you." Robert snarled. 

"Robert!" Ned begged. 

"Listen here you cunt, Jolene is off-limits," Robert demanded. Rhaegar chuckled.

"You should know better than to set limits," Rhaegar replied, so calmly. "I don't pay attention to them anyway."

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