2. Good Girl

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"And now we are early. It doesnt start for three days why were you in such a hurry?" Jolene questioned Brandon as they got settled.

"Freedom." Brandon offered. "Take care of the littles im getting a drink."

"Im not little." Ned declared.

"You babysit Ned and I will take Benjen." Jolene corrected.

"Babysit." Ned gripped. "Im not a baby."

"No you are not my big brave boy." Jolene coed kissing his cheek.

"I know you were taunting me but I dont care. I liked it." Ned remarked as he walked off. Jolene reached out grabbing Benjens hand.

"Lets go find Elia." Jolene suggested and Benjen nodded following along.

"There are so many people here." Benjen remarked. "Is Brandon competing?"

"Yes he is and if I had a say I would be competing too." Jolene agreed.

"You would win." Benjen agreed.

"Thank you baby." Jolene declared before seeing Oberyn "Hey handsome." He spun around a big smile on his face.

"Hey gorgeous." Oberyn declared hugging her.

"Wheres your sister? I havent met the babes yet and Im so excited!" Jolene declared.

"Shes with the hubby." Oberyn remarked nodding back to them.

"Thanks handsome." Jolene coed ruffling his hair. Oberyn smiled back at her. "Come on cutie." Jolene instructed as Benjen waved bye to Oberyn.

"I hoped you were coming."

Jolene knew that voice. Smooth like velvet deep like the ocean and she knew those hands that grazed her hips.

Jolene looked over her shoulder as Rhaegars breath hit her sending a shiver down her spine. Rhaegar hugged her from behind she leaned into him as his lips dragged along her neck.

"You are gone for too long Jolene." Rhaegar purred in her ear.

"You know I dont handle the heat well." Jolene countered. "Im a northern girl miss the snow." Rhaegar chuckled and it vibrated through her.

"My Jolene." Rhaegar whispered as she turned to face him hugging him proper. "I missed you."

"You get me for a fortnight." Jolene remarked. "Now show me the babies."

"Jolene!" Elia declared the biggest smile on her face.

"Elia my darling!" Jolene exclaimed hugging her tight. "I dont mean to be mean but show me the babies!" Jolene begged clinging to Elia.

"Of course. Did she do the same to you Rhaegar?" Elia mused.

"She did. Although I think I got ten more seconds before she asked." Rhaegar remarked.

"Babies! Babies! Babies!" Jolene begged rocking Elia in a hug as she begged. Elia laughed out her head tipping back.

"Rhaenys can you say hello to auntie Jolene?" Rhaegar questioned picked her up. Rhaenys puckered her lips tipping her head into Rhaegar.

"Precious." Jolene whispered gently touching Rhaenys cheek. "How old is she now?"

"Just turned one a few moons back." Elia remarked.

"I missed so damn much," jolene whimpered.

"Move to the capital. That would fix everything." Rhaegar begged. Elia nodded in agreement as she got her so. 

"And Aegon." Elia introduced. "Three moons next moon."

"You two got to work." Jolene remarked giving Elia a little nudge. 

"Im done for a while." Elia added. "My body needs a break."

"You tell that to this handsome man?" Jolene countered. Rhaegar chuckled as Jolene spun around. "Ohh I love babies!" Jolene declared plucking Rhaenys from Rhaegars arms. "Were mommy and daddy smart and name you Rhaenys Jolene Targaryen?" Jolene teased.

"Next one." Rhaegar promised.


"Are your brothers going to be worried we stole you away?" Rhaegar questioned as they sat by the fire legs tangled staring up at the stars as the fire crackled before them.

"No." Jolene assured him. "They have Benjen and I told them I had some womanly things to tend to."

"Ah the old flowering. Men get so disgusted." Elia agreed.

"Boys as well. When I told Benjen I was flowering he stared at me. Brandon said shes bleeding from her baby maker and Benjens little face. Oh you should have heard him! He was so concerned. Ned was disgusted and humiliated as if he was the one bleeding,"

"Youre not are you though?" Rhaegar questioned "because that would put a damper on my plans."

"Your plans?" Jolene mused. He hummed in agreement. "No it was a ruse." She assured. Rhaegar smiled kissing her again and again. "Maybe somewhere with less eyes." Jolene whispered against his lips. He kissed her again fisting her dress in his hand unable to pull away.

"Come on lovers dont want to be caught." Elia remarked. "That would put a damper on Jolenes good girl act." Jolene laughed leaning back to face Elia she draw her finger along Elias jaw.

"Whoever thinks I am a good girl does not know me." Jolene countered.

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