4. Sore Loser

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"Hello ser Baristan." Jolene coed and Rhaegar rolled his eyes. 

"Trying to make me jealous Stark?" Rhaegar mused. 

"Nonsense, I'm just saying hello." Jolene assured. 

"Watch me beat his ass." Rhaegar declared. 

"Oh, Elia he is all talk." Jolene declared. 

"I think I need a good luck kiss before this round." Rhaegar remarked getting closer and Jolene lifted Rhaenys up for him. "Yep, thats who I wanted to kiss." Rhaegar agreed. 

"I know." Jolene agreed. Rhaegar would have fucked her right here for all to see but Elia would get a bad reputation out of it, JOlene as well and although the man never seemed effected Jolene and Elia would be ruined so they had to keep their love affair quiet for all their sakes.  

After Brandon was such a sore loser after his bout with Barristan, Jolene excused herself from Elia and the kids moving to her family. 

"He protects the prince." Brandon was saying when Jolene got to them. "I can't hurt him if I did and the prince got hurt, then the world would blame Brandon Stark."

"Sure, sure whatever you have to tell yourself to fall asleep at night." Jolene agreed. 

"Shut up Lena." Brandon demanded. "You saw me, I was pulling back on purpose for your friends sake." 

"Rhaegar doesnt really need protection, he is going to win the tourney, says him at least." Jolene offered. 

"I dont know what you see in that cunt.' Brandon grumbled. 

"Such a sore loser you are brother." Jolene declared. Ned smirked looking between them. Jolene was never one to hold back her punches, physical or otherwise, she was the strongest person Ned knew. 

"You having fun Benjen?" Jolene questioned kissing the top of his head. 

"Yeah, but I missed you, where were you this morning?"  Benjen questioned. 

"I was breaking fast with Elia, I think I'm going to-" spend some more time fucking them before I got home, no, no Jolene couldnt say that, her brothers wouldnt understand. "Stick around a while longer after the tourney." she remarked. "Before they head back home, I miss them and-"

"You are going to be wed and someone else's property-" Brandon agreed. 

"One, shut the fuck up. Two, I am no ones property nor will I ever be. Three... shut up the fuck up." Jolene decided. 

"You said that already, smart ass." Brandon countered. 

"It needed to be said twice." Jolene assured. 


Eventually Rhaegar made it to the final round, where he faced off against his friend and personal bodyguard, Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard. 

"Go Barristan!" Jolene hooted out and Rhaegar smirked back at her. "Oh, Rhaegar, didnt see you there... Go Barristan!" Rhaegar snorted a laugh, Baristan winked back at Jolene as she clapped out. 

"You know she did that to piss me off." Rhaegar remarked. 

"I'm ready for the ass whooping." Barristan agreed. "But I'm not going to make it easy on you. I got Stark rooting for me." 

Rhaegar ran his tongue over his teeth glancing to Jolene as she stood clapping still, the biggest smile on her gorgeous face. 

Rhaegar pointed at her and held her gaze before the horn blew and they took off. 

Rhaegar won the round and was awarded with the crown of Winter roses. Rhaegar was then supposed to give it to the most beautiful maiden in the crowd.

"Pay up, pay up!" Jolene instructed. 

"You were betting on Rhaegar?" Ned questioned. 

"Of course," Jolene agreed. "ANd look at the money I made, I also bet Brandon would throw a hissy fit, made money on him too."

"Jolene!" Brandon growled. 

"Hey, here, buy yourself something pretty." Jolene instructed putting a few coin in his hand. 

"I love you but you're a bitch." Brandon griped. 

"Give me  my coin back then." Jolene challenged as Rhaegar rode forward. Brandon stuck it in his pouch. 

"What coin?" He mused. "You really knew I would lose and- you know what I dont care." Brandon decided. "Drinks on you tonight." 

"Can't, busy." Jolene corrected. 

 Rhaegar was given a flower crown to give to the most beautiful woman at the tourney. Elia stood up ready to accept it from her husband but Rhaegar didn't look back at Elia he moved to Jolene.

"Why is he coming this way?" Ned grumbled. 

"His wife is that way." Brandon agreed, Jolene stayed quiet. Her gaze shifted to Elia as she took her seat again. 

"OH my Gods, Oh my Gods, oh my Gods," Benjen murmured. Jolene swallowed the lump of nervous excitement.

"What is the matter with him?" Brandon sneered. 

"My lady." Rhaegar remarked bowing down and holding out the flower crown. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen gave the flower crown to Jolene Stark. Everyone with eyes was furious. What a disrespect to the Martells, to his wife, to the realms future queen. But Elia although she knew it was stupid of Rhaegar she would have given Jolene the flower crown too. 

It was love and Elia was very much like her little brother, when it came to war, her brothers fought for dorne, but when it came to love, Oberyn didnt pick sides. Elia didnt either and she would have given that Crown to Jolene Stark as well. 

Jolene looked to Rhaegar and offered him a smile, her blush betrayed her glare. She leaned forward kissing his cheek. 

"That was very stupid, my prince." 

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