6. Procrastinate

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"Winterfell calls... the storms end, Gods they are having a banquet, a stupid thing for our engagement and I told Ned I'm not marrying him."

"Storms end..." Rhaegar smirked. "I can pop by procrastinate things."

"You would do that?" Jolene questioned.

"I love you." Rhaegar declared. Jolene didnt want to marry a Baratheon douchebag, she wanted to marry Rhaegar but that wasnt possible. She loved him, she wanted him, they had been doing this thing together for years and things never felt so final. It felt like goodbye, she would leave and he would go back to the capital and she would be married to a man she could never love.

"I'm. . . " she tried to say the words, but they barely fell out in a whisper. They were hollow anyway, since she still clung to him. Was still pressed solidly against him.

"I'm sor—" she never got to finish before he leaned down and attacked her lips. For as frozen and inactive as he'd been a second before, he was giving it ten times more. He was devouring her, like a desperate man trying to push past all the reasons this was wrong, the world deemed it wrong, he knew they wouldnt last forever, but he wanted forever. They best thing about forever it you can take your time to get there he supposed. But he kissed her like it was his last chance to hold her like to.

To drown in the pleasure of feeling their bodies close. He stared at her as he licked at her lips, she opened her mouth, meeting his tongue halfway, tasting him, and on a moan she tried to swallow, his lids slid closed. She dug her hands in his hair and lost herself to the moment. Closed her eyes and focused solely on the taste of fine wines on his tongue, the feel of his hands pressed against her back, holding her tight against the erection she could feel against her stomach. He trailed his lips across her cheek and down her neck before working their way up again.

His hands dropped to her ass and squeezed the soft flesh, groaning at the feel of her in his palms. Fuck. Had a man ever sounded so satisfied at just grabbing her ass? No man was like Rhaegar, he was one of a kind and he would make a good king. He couldnt have a mistress when that happened. No good kings had mistresses and bastards but Jolene knew their love was different.

Aegon and his two sisters wed, Visenya and Rhaenys, they made it work because they all loved each other. But the world would not see their love as pure they would see it as a sin. Jolene knew that. But she would love them, love their children as her own and things would be good and right and pure because what was more pure than love?

She threw everything  had into the kiss. Nipped at his lips, sucked on them the way she wanted to suck on his cock. One hand continued to grip her and hold her close, moving to the center of her bottom where his long fingers reached around the curve of her ass, barely touching the edges of her core. She wanted to rock her hips back to give him better access, encourage him to go further. But she was distracted by his other hand moving around her front, skimming her sides before cupping her breasts. Her nipple hardened even more, almost reaching for his thumb as it circled and flicked across the tip.

Each swipe sent shocks to her cunt and she was almost desperate to rub against him. She had forgotten how good it felt, how exciting being touched and held by him was and now being with him the past week she couldnt get enough she couldnt imagine going home and not having his touch, his kiss on her daily, that thought killed her. Adrenaline coursed through her body, making every sensation stronger. She needed more.

"Rhaegar," she moaned when he'd begun making his way down her neck again. And he froze. His lips halted their descent and the hands that had been pushing her to the edge of exploding. He held her arms length and her eyes peeled open annoyed.

"Just wanted to look at you." Rhaegar remarked taking her in.

"I'm going to whack you." Jolene warned before his lips were back on her again.


"Lena. Lena. Jolene!!" She spun around staring back at her brother, Ned. "Where were you? We are heading out."

''Move your ass!" Brandon instructed.

"Shut up." Jolene groaned stomping forward.

"You are such a dreamer." Ned remarked leaning into her. Jolene shrugged. "What were you thinking of?"

"The future." She offered simply.

"Your future as lady of the storms end." Brandon agreed.

"No." Jolene corrected. "The future I created not the one presented to me. They are very different I will tell you now, father will not be happy."

"Lets just got to storms end and do the thing and then you can break fathers heart." Brandon corrected.

Long Live // Rhaegar Targaryen // Elia MartellWhere stories live. Discover now