The first history i make
This is a adventure of a boy with unimaginable power that can destroy everything in his way,
will he be able to control such power with help of his friends and family, come and see if he is capable of such a feat
NARRATOR: after Midoriya defeated Monoma at the sports festival he became unconscious and because of that he couldn't participate in the awards event, he was then taken to the Yaoyorozu's house and stayed in Momo's room with her and Shiori staying by his side the entire time waiting for him to wake up, the next morning Momo wakes up and realizes that Izuku is no longer in bed with them and that leaves her worried until when she was going to wake up Shiori she hears a noise coming from her closet...
Momo: zuzu is that you?
NARRATOR: Momo approaches her closet very slowly, consequently the noise starts to increase and when she slightly opens the door to look inside the closet that looks like a small room she sees Izuku on the floor on his knees hugging a pile of her clothes with his face in them and sniffing them, Momo feels a bit happy and at the same time is embarrassed for him to do something like that but when she looks into his eyes she sees them as if he is in some kind of trance or even hypnotized
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MOMO: (but he was unconscious since yesterday and nothing had happened until the time shi-chan and I went to bed so what's going on with him...of course he had said that yesterday this is the second day of his mating season, but what do I do now he looks like he won't listen to me and came here to avoid attacking us while we are sleep)
NARRATOR: while Momo was lost in her thoughts she ended up making the door open more slowly until she ended up falling out inside her closet screaming a little scared until she realizes what happened and then she looks up and sees Izuku looking in her direction his hypnotic eyes fading into the red eyes when he is in his full dragon form
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IZUKU: ahh~ Momo-chan~ you're finally here~, I couldn't hold back any longer and would start acting like a pervert using your clothes~, but now that you're here we can start~, right~
NARRATOR: he starts to walk towards her like a lion preparing to attack his prey and she is backing up a little because she's scared, because she never saw him act like that, she could understand that this was due to the season and that it could be much stronger in him since he would be unable to control himself, but even though she was completely scared she realized that she was getting excited about this situation and she cursed herself in her mind for liking that kind of thing