Bloodthirsty Battle

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PB: ok since everyone is ready let's start, first pair can go now

NARRATOR: one after another the groups entered the forest, after a while something seemed to be wrong and then the smell of smoke as well as its appearance and together with it a bluish glow appearing on one side and on the other a kind of purple smoke that seemed to be rotating around something, when the heroes were about to take an action Pixie-Bob is pulled by a type of energy and then a blow hits her in the head near her face leaving her unconscious

SHINSO: villains?

OJIRO: why are the villains here

????-1: very nice to meet you, we are the advance group of the league of villains!

IIDA: Why are they here

????-2: She seems to have a pretty face, should I crush her head? what do you think?

TIGER: like I'm going to let you do that, you-

???-1: wait, wait, don't rush Mag-nee, you too Tiger calm down, whether you live or die depends on Stain principles

IIDA: Stain? are you his followers

????-1: Oh that's right! four eyes, sorry for the late introduction I am Spinner! I am the one who will make his ideals come true!

TIGER: I don't care, get away of Pixie-Bob, for hurting her in the face that's unforgivable!

SPINNER: like I care about that!

NARRATOR: Mandalay tells Tiger that she already informed everyone of what was going on that they should leave the students' safety to Ragdoll and the others as they held back the villains in front of them so the kids behind them could safely retreat, but when the kids were about to leave Izuku noticed the expression on Mandalay's face

IZUKU: Mandalay, I know where he is let me go there!

MANDALAY:...right but you must bring him back the moment you find him!

IZUKU: leave it to me

*at the same moment on the cliff*

KOTA: what's going on

????-3: hey boy

NARRATOR: Kota turns towards the voice that called him and is startled by the size of the hooded and masked man and starts to take steps back trying to get away from him

???-3: I was looking for a place with a good view, and look what I found, a face that wasn't on the list, hey! you have a nice stylish cap boy, trade with me for this cheesy mask here, they made me use this toy since they say the order didn't arrived on time or something

KOTA: *turns around and starts running*

???-3: ah! hey! *jumping in front of him while throwing the mask away* don't run away, let me hit you once so I'll be happy!

NARRATOR: the movement of the man when approaching Kota to attack him causes his hood to come off revealing his face, Kota when he sees who this man was got a memory of him watching the news after his parent's death reporting who was responsible for what happened, he had a serious injury in his left eye caused by the fight with his parents was the villain known as Muscular, Kota in a state of shock at finding the killer of his parents is unable to do anything, Musular continuing his direct attack on the boy is prevented and blocked by the teenager who arrived at the last moment holding his fist with his right hand while his left hand and wing protected Kota

MUSCULAR: oh~ you managed to stop me and look who it is, you're definitely on the list

IZUKU: you are too much of a coward to attack a child like that

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