Rescue Race

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NARRATOR: after spending another day in the hospital to undergo tests to see if he was okay Midoriya is released to go home where he had to calm down a mother who was very worried about him and his second wife who in addition to being worried was angry about what he had said in the conversation with the first wife, the next day the beginning of the week and the return to school were even pacific and as the loving trio was one of the first to arrive in the class, there weren't so many people to ask questions about what had happened in the fight against Stain since Ryukyu and Endeavor along with their Internship students got credit for beating him

*a bit later*

KAMINARI: hey guys what did you end up doing on your intership?

KIRISHIMA: Well, Tetsutetsu and I ended up doing manual work at Fourth Kind-san's agency and if we made a mistake he would correct us by punching our heads, despite everything it was nice to stay there

TSUYU: I ended up helping to stop some smugglers *kero*, but after that I just did sailor exercises *kero*

JIRO: I helped a little bit in a case where there were hostages and after that I was doing paper work

MOMO: in our case, we were training all the time on how to deal with situations where our opponent was armed and we weren't, but I ended up focusing more on fight training

URARAKA: for me it was very enlightening

SERO: Uraraka seems to have awakened something in her

KAMINARI: no no my dear friend women are like that by nature they just hide that side of them *moment of vietnam flasback*

SHOJI: what did he see while he was with Mt.Lady?

TOKOYAMI: who knows, but they had a better experience than mine, I was just running back and forth because of Hawks

KAMINARI: And how was your experience Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, Shinso, Iida?

IIDA: except for the mistake I made, I only did some patrols

SHINSO: it made me even sleepier

BAKUGOU: I did some patrols and the rest of it was that damn hero trying to make my hair look like a damn bowl

SHIORI: I spent most of my time watching how my father handled things as an agency leader

IZUKU: I spent all my time training on one only thing

KIRISHIMA: eh? just that? nothing else?

ALL 5 OF THEM: yeah that's all

AM: hello my young students!, long time no see boys and girls!, how have you been?

CLASS: All Might!

AM: today before we do other activities I want to see how you have improved this week of your internships

JIRO: And how are we going to do that?

AM: HAHAHA first you guys are going to put on your costumes and then meet me at field Gamma

*a few moments later*

AM: okay now for this time's hero basic training we'll have some fun with a rescue race training!, you break up into four 5 person groups and go through the training one group at a time, it's a race to see who will rescue me first!, of course you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum *speaks while poiting his finger slowly towards Bakugo*

KATSUKI: don't point that finger at me

*after being placed in their groups*

KIRISHIMA: this group has everyone in the class with good mobility

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