The Meeting

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NARRATOR: Today we will see a story of a boy with a power dangerous to himself and those around him, In one medical clinic the doctor analyzes the power caled quirk of a boy named Midoriya Izuku who is accompanied by his mother Midoriya Inko

INKO: So what is my son's  quirk?

DOCTOR: It's a transformation, but I don't know what it will turn into but I know it's something powerful

IZUKU: So I can be a hero like All Might?

DOCTOR: of course you can and maybe even stronger

IZUKU: yay *happy noise*

DOCTOR: Midoriya-san can we talk privately?

INKO: Of course, Izuku wait here a little here ok?

IZUKU: ok mommy *smile*

*out of the room*

INKO: so doctor what do you need to talk to me about?

DOCTOR: your son has a powerful but at the same time dangerous  quirk, I don't know what can activate it but it's good to know that anything can happen when he transforms he might loses control, making him act as if he has aggressive aggression against others, hurts anyone that are close to him or acts instinctively as the animal he will transform, his physical abilities will be 2x better than normal people, if he does physical training he will have 2x more results than normal, and depending on the being he will transform he will have specific abilities of this transformation

INKO: *worry* so what should I do about his training so that doesn't happen?

DOCTOR: I'm going to try calling a friend to see if he can help you two, but for now go home and get some rest

INKO: ok thank you doctor *bown head*

DOCTOR: don't worry this is my job but you're welcome 

INKO: Izuku we're going home now say thank you and goodbye to the doctor

IZUKU: thank you doctor bye~ *wave hand*

*after they leave*

DOCTOR: *calling friend*

???: [hello]

DOCTOR: [hey aizawa I need some help with a child and his mother]

AIZAWA: [what kind of help do you need?]

DOCTOR: [training for the kid because *explaining what he said to inko*]

AIZAWA: [I can't promise anything but I'll see what I can do, send me their address]

DOCTOR: [ok thanks]

AIZAWA: [no problem] *hangs up*

DOCTOR: well i hope they can do something for him

*meanwhile at Midoriya's residence*

INKO: very well dear go to your room and rest ok

IZUKU: ok mom

NARRATOR: *phone rings*

INKO: [hello?]

NEZU: [hello this is U.A director Nezu, is this the midoriya's residence?]

INKO: [yes, how can I help you sir?

NEZU: [I'd like to discuss your son's quirk ma'am...]

INKO: [Inko, of course I have no problem with that]

NEZU: [thanks tomorrow at 06:00 pm to discuss the situation further ok]

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