I-Island - III: the top of the tower

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*in the ballroom after the announcement*

WOLFRAM: it's like you heard, we took over the security system, don't think about fighting if you do... *showing the robots around people in several places* then the security machines will bare their fangs to all the good people on this island, that's right, all the people on this island are our hostages, of course that includes all of you too, *puts hand on communicator on his ear* do it!

PARTY MEMBER: the restraining devices!

AM: not good!

WOLFRAM: *shoots in the air* don't move, if you take one step I'll kill everyone here in a second

AM: shit!

WOLFRAM: *kicking him* good boy, are you all going to learn from All Might and do what I say right?, don't worry, if you keep quiet nobody will be hurt, we are prepared to release you when the time comes, *receiving a message* ok, got it, *looking for someone* you are a researcher here right?

SAM: y-yes

WOLFRAM: great, take him

SAM: but why?

DAVID: stop!, he's my assistant, what do you plan to do with him?

WOLFRAM: hmm? look if it's not the great David Shield, you will go too

DAVID: What if I refuse?

WOLFRAM: so somewhere on this island someone's scream had sounded

DAVID: okay, I'll go with you

NARRATOR: All Might was wailing about not being able to do anything and letting his friend be taken like that, Mirio who was present tried to get out of his restrainers but they besides being strong, suppressed the powers of his quirks and he felt hopeless for not being able to fulfill the role he was supposed to comply, All Might when trying to break free not moving much ends up noticing someone on the floor above him through the glass in the ceiling and seeing Izuku and Melissa signaling for him to speak very softly so that they would be able to hear

AM: The villains took over the tower, they've taken control of the security system, and everyone on this island is a hostage, all the heroes have been taken over also, it's too dangerous for you to be here, get away from here as soon as possible

JIRO: this is bad guys

IIDA: We received AM message, I suggest we follow his instructions and escape from this place

MINA: I agree with Iida, like we're still students and we can't fight villains without our licenses

KAMINARI: So what if we escape and tell the heroes outside?

MELISSA: I think it will be difficult to escape, this place is built with the same level of security as Tartarus, where highly dangerous villains are kept

KAMINARI: So all we can do is wait until help arrives...

JIRO: Kaminari, are you okay with that?

MINA: what does you mean Kyo-chan?

JIRO: Don't you guys feel like we should go help them?

IIDA: The villains captured even AM, we can't risk our lives and other people's lives by doing something we're not ready for to do yet

SHIORI: but we are trying to become heroes

SHINSO: yes but we still can't work as heroes

SHIORI: Does that mean it's okay for us not to do anything?

MOMO: that's...

IZUKU: still, we have to save them


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