Envy Emerging

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STAIN: hero? you're nothing more than a fake who only cares about fame

IZUKU: *sigh* seriously you're one of those who judge the mistake of an individual in the entire group, what a disappointment and I thought you were one of those who did what was right regardless of the consequences, *shakes head* incredibly pitiful

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IZUKU: *sigh* seriously you're one of those who judge the mistake of an individual in the entire group, what a disappointment and I thought you were one of those who did what was right regardless of the consequences, *shakes head* incredibly pitiful

STAIN: And what would a kid like you know what's right?, you're just one more of those who use the title of hero just to gain fame and money

IZUKU: well first you don't know me so you don't have any qualifications to judge me, second what's wrong with becoming a hero to have money?, do you by any chance know what that money is or would be used for?, or what is the motivation for them to have that interest?, one of my classmate wants to become a hero so she can help her parents by giving them a good life and for that she needs money, you with your so-called "justice" do you think this is something that should be condemned with death or the condemnation of ending her career as a heroine?

STAIN: There are other ways to do this act with-

IZUKU: but if that's the last option left to her would you have the nerve to say that this is something a fake would do?


IZUKU: what?, you have nothing to say?, or your conscience for not doing your job right is to heavy for you to say anything?, even you have other ways of doing it, what you are trying to do could also be done in another way

STAIN: And how to-


IZUKU: *looking at him* you really are a hypocrite aren't you?

IIDA: Huh? midoriya?


IZUKU: you keep saying how we should behave, how our behavior was not worthy of being heroes, someone who keeps talking about rules this rules that, say so called "honorable student" are your actions and decisions towards him *pointing the finger at Stain* worthy of a hero?

IIDA: ... what else could I do with all this anger, all this resentment, and frustration what should I do with them?

IZUKU: *looking into his eyes after kicking him so hard he whent to the wall*

IZUKU: *looking into his eyes after kicking him so hard he whent to the wall*

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