The first history i make
This is a adventure of a boy with unimaginable power that can destroy everything in his way,
will he be able to control such power with help of his friends and family, come and see if he is capable of such a feat
NARRATOR: A week after Stain was defeated Shigaraki was stressed for not being able to talk to his sensei, he had doubts, questions and he was looking for answers and the only one capable of that was his sensei, only sensei could give the answers that would satisfy Shigaraki and even If sensei didn't answer him he would put him on a path where he could find the answers himself, but he was tired of waiting and was about to demand that he be sent to the location his sensei was until...
Dr.GARAKI: Shigaraki Tomura
SHIGARAKI: Doctor what do you want
Dr.GARAKI: AFO is calling for you, so come as fast as you can
NARRATOR: surprised was what Shigaraki felt when he heard that sentence and don't wanting to make him wait he made Kurogiri take him to his sensei who was calling for him, upon arriving at the place Shigaraki looked for his sensei but was not able to find him, so he goes to the Doctor to know where AFO is
Dr.GARAKI: no need to be so hurried he's right there *pointing indicating the location*
SHIGARAKI: sensei? where are you?
AFO: *with a distorted voice (same as Victim from Overlord)* I'm here Tomura
SHIGARAKI: sensei? Is this form really you sensei?
NARRATOR: Shigaraki knew that All For One would be transformed into a type of Nomu, but he didn't expect his sensei to have the appearance of a larva, but not an ordinary larva after all it was the size of a human baby, its face had only one pair of eyes no mouth no nose and ears just the eyes, from its head to the end of its back was a carapace with a pale almost white color, the rest of its body was like a transparent purple slime, inside his body a sphere that he interpitted as his core, and finally the six pairs of golden wings coming out of his carapace
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AFO: yes Tomura this is me or rather this is my new form the doctor finished it yesterday and now I am in what can be called a larval state
SHIGARAKI: And you're going to have a human body again?
AFO: if nothing goes wrong or interferes in approximately 1 month I return to have a body with the appearance of a 6 to 8 year old child, but for me getting an adult shape would take about 5 years after i become a child
SHIGARAKI: And we're supposed to stay in the shadows until you take that form?
AFO: first let me know what happened during my absence
NARRATOR: Shigaraki began to recount what he saw during the sports festival as the brat who spoiled his plans won all main events in first place and how were the fights in which he participated mainly the last one, so Shigaraki took the opportunity to say about the idea of the new Nomu that he had, AFO was intrigued by this idea and would check with the Doctor to find out if it was viable and possible to creating this Nomu, Shigaraki went on to talk about the argument he and Stain had resulting in them attacking each other, and then he said what happened two days ago about how the brat found Stain in an alley, how they both faced each other, Stain transforming, the control that the brat seemed to have, how he made the heroine Ryukyu transform twice and the help he had to eliminate Stain