The first history i make
This is a adventure of a boy with unimaginable power that can destroy everything in his way,
will he be able to control such power with help of his friends and family, come and see if he is capable of such a feat
NARRATOR: after the villains left the heroes managed to find all the students who were still scattered around the forest, but when they were looking for Ragdoll all they found was a part of her broken helmet and around it was bloodstains, what left them worried about what happened to her and what could still happen, after fifteen minutes after the villains left the police, firefighters and ambulances appeared at the scene, of the forty students fifteen were unconscious and in severe conditions due to the gas from one of the villains, another eleven with major or minor injuries, thirteen without any injuries and one missing, of the six pro-heroes one was in serious condition due to having taken a strong hit in the head, another one lost a lot of blood and is missing, meanwhile on the side of the villains, two of them were caught and arrested and one dead because it was the only way to deal with him, because he was known to be a sadist psychopathic who enjoyed torturing and killing others and saying this was so he could have some fun, the training camp everyone was looking forward to, ended in one of the worst possible ways
*at a hospital closer to the camp*
IZUKU: Do I really have to stay here at the hospital?
SHIORI: after what you did! of course it does!
IZUKU: I already said it was for me to focus on something else so I don't end up losing control
SHIORI: Even so, that's not reason enough for you to end up ripping your own arm out!
IZUKU: I'm sorry okay? but it was the only thing I could think of, and even though he didn't like it Aizawa-sensei agreed to it as if it were a way of punishment for what i did
SHIORI:...did you really have to do that? Was there no other way to have resolved the situation? Was that really the only solution you had?
IZUKU:...*looking out the window* I honestly don't know, but after everything I did I let my guard down and he caught me and pinned me against the wall, Kota was going to be killed because of me, and after hearing what he called me I just reacted on impulse
SHIORI:...Izu we already said, there was nothing we could have done to change what happened to "her", from what investigators said she may still be alive
IZUKU: I know, I understand, but it's been two years and not even a single detail or advance on "her" case has occurred, I *sigh* I just wish that-
NARRATOR: they hear a knock on the door and then it opens revealing Kaminari who looks back saying that Izuku was awake, soon the room was crowded with his colleagues who had already recovered or had not been seriously injured
SERO: yo! Midoriya!
SATO: we brought a watermelon
IIDA: It's good to see you're recovering well
IZUKU: *showing stump* I'm not as exhausted as last time so I probably will have it back by tomorrow
ASHIDO: Do you have any news from Yaomomo?
SHIORI: we just know that she's already awake and will have to stay here for at least the same time as this idiot *pointing to Izuku*
IZUKU: how long are you going to stay angry?
SHIORI: until you stop showing up at the hospital every time something happens
IZUKU: talking like that it seems like I'm cheating on you with the hospital bed
KAMINARI: pffff!
ASHIDO: hahaha if you keep coming here it might even be true
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