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I opened the door to the building as she walked in. She was looking around her the whole time- probably the first time she sees something like this.

What can I even say- she's just a child thinking she have seen the real life. Grown up with daddy's money lives in a house most of the families here deserve.

"H-how much?-" she asked breathless as we reached the 6 floor. I rolled my eyes as I ignored her and kept walking.

I saw some of the boys sitting on the hallway as they looked at her and I spoke.

"Do anything and you know what happens." I said not bothering to look at them as I headed towards the other stairs.

"Where did you find her man?" Asked one of them eating her up with his eyes as I spoke.

"Definitely not the same place your mother found you- watch your fucking mouth Demetr.." I said looking at him as he nodded and she walked past me up.

She's dressing like she's going to a damn bar and her whole fucking ass is out.

"Child..." I mumbled as I turned the knob on and pushed the door open. I walked in as I looked at her and saw her still standing outside.

"Did you change your mind your highness? Looks like it isn't flattering to you." I said making her roll her eyes as she stepped in and I closed the door.

"Mom!" I yelled as my mothers voice came.

"Roan-" She yelled as she came and hugged me making me pull away as I tensed my jaw.

"Where is?_?" Before I could finish the she cut me off.

"He is working." She said as she had her hands on my face. I cleaned my throat as she turned around and saw her.

"Who is she?" She asked as she started to look at her clothes.

"From the school. Her dad is a cop-." I said as she spoke.

"Roan- we've already- and what the hell is she even wearing?" before she could finish I cut her off.

"We'll be in the room-" I said before she sighed and leaned on the wall. I tensed my jaw as I looked back at her.

"Let's go." I said as I walked towards my room.

"Don't you dare do anything boy! And she better leave we already have enough problems-!" My mother yelled as I slammed the door close and my grip around the knob tightened.

"Looks like everyone have something against me in this place" she muttered which made me turn around as she was in the middle of the room walking around and touching everything.

I tensed my jaw as I walked to her and grabbed the watch out her hand.

"Just because you forced yourself here doesn't mean everyone will welcome you- especially when we both life in different worlds." I said as I slammed the watch on its place again and looked at her.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked raising a brow, as she kept talking.

"just because you and your dogs aren't willing to be friendly out there doesn't mean that we have something against you- it's you guys that walk around and do what ever the hell you want as if there is no rules or law-" before she could finish I grabbed her arm as she grabbed my arm trying to wriggle out.

"Watch your fucking mouth- and don't you even try and mention my family as dogs." I said looking deeply into her eyes.

It's no or my plan will never work-

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