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"How's your leg?" Staisy asked laying on my bed as I was going through my closet trying to find a top to wear with the pants I have on.

"It's fine- he had to stitch it again this morning" I muttered as silent went on. I grabbed a white cropped top as I decided to wear it.

"Spit it out." I muttered knowing she wants to say something.

" Urgh fine! You know that I love you and want the best for you- I think it's a bad idea being with someone like him. He'll hurt you I mean your leg is the best example of that." She started making me lick my lips.

I turned back to see her laying on her side looking at me.

"He isn't gonna hurt me Staisy." I said having enough of her telling me he'll hurt me.

"My leg was an accident- it won't happen again please just stop worrying. I'm already scared all the time because I'm lying to my family." I said as she stood up and came to hug me.

"I like him." I muttered as she pulled away and tensed her jaw.

"Fine. But you promise me to tell me everything when something happens?" She said looking seriously at me as I smiled and hugged her again.

"I promise." I said as my phone buzzed making me pull away as I grabbed and saw a text from him.

"He's here." I said as we stood up. I sprayed some perfume as we headed out the door and downsrairs to see Jake and Tylor playing.

"Where you going both of you?" He asked as Staisy spoke.

"My house." She muttered as we opened the door and walked out. As we walked down the road she hugged me and spoke.

"Stay safe." She muttered making me smile as she walked to her car and got in. I looked over the end of the road as his car was there.

"Okay let's hope this time it turns better." I whispered to myself as I walked towards the door and opened it.

As I sat in his perfume hit my nose trails.

"Hey." I said as turned to him in a pretty tracksuit on. I bent down as his hand went around my neck and his tongue got in my mouth.

"How is your leg?" He asked between the kiss as I pulled away.

"Better." I said smiling as he was looking at me.

"So- where are we going?" I asked looking at him. He smirked as he changed the gear.

"Somewhere you'll like." He said before he drove off making me hmm him. It was around 7 at evening and the sun was slowing setting down.

"Does she know about us?" He asked making me look at him as I spoke.

"Yeah- I only told her." I said as he nodded and silent went on again while the music was playing slowly in the background.

After a while we reached somewhere I've never been before. The windows were big but there was dark curtains covering whatever there was inside.

As we stepped out I looked up to see if the place have a name and it doesn't which made me curious. I looked back at Roan as he was looking at me.

"What is this place?" I asked as his hand wrapped around mine and he started to walk us towards the door.

As we stepped up the two stairs the door opened and another guy came out. He looked in his early 20s. He was covered in tattoos and had chains around his neck as well.

Roan let go of my hand as they gave each other the bro hug.

"Long time." He said as in his language as they pulled away and the other guy looked at me.

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